Welcome to Queen of Angels School Computer Lab Mrs. Crawford is the computer teacher for pre-4 through 8. Mrs. C also coordinates all the school computers and the network
Welcome I am Mrs. Crawford My name is Mrs. Crawford. I am here at Epiphany Of Our Lord School 14 years. I teach computers for grades pre-k 4 to 8th grade, I am also the Network Administrator, I fix hardware problems on the school computers and software problems through out the school. I also do Rosetta Stone Spanish with grades 5-8. I have Art Classes with 6,7,8 once a week. I do art also with 6,7,8 and their Prayer Partners at least once a month. I also assist with teachers training and computer problems. I am the Technology Coordinator and once a month have a technology meeting with volunteers Free time activities include Whitmarsh Recreation Committee, volunteering to help the food shelter, acquiring food for less fortunate families and the Colonial Neighborhood Council. Of Course Cooking and Cleaning for my family. Spending time with my friends in Hershey, spending time my pool or just gapping on the phone My name is Mrs. Crawford, everyone calls me Mrs. C. I am new Technology coordinator/teacher here at Queen of Angels School. I teach computers for grades pre-k 4 to 8th grade, I am also the Network Administrator, I fix hardware problems on the school computers and software problems through out the school I also assist with teachers training and computer problems. I am the Technology Coordinator and once a month have a technology meeting with volunteers from the parish and school. Would you like to join see me…..
Queen of Angels Upper School has a comprehensive, fully networked computer system with high speed Internet access available to our students, teachers and administration. With the Archdiocesan and government funds provided to us we will receive 30 Ipads enough for a class to use and 6 projectors and smart boards have enhanced our ability even further to keep pace with new technologies. Our network includes two servers, Sonic Wall, 148 attached network devices and 4 network printers. Our computer lab has 30 networked desktop computers, all with flat screen monitors, CD drives and Internet access. Classrooms are equipped with a 3 computer workstation and a teacher computer, smart boards and projectors.
The lab also serves additional classes including ILA, for research and projects; Honors Math; and is open to students during lunch periods to complete schoolwork or homework assignments. The computer lab is equipped with a Smartboard to enhance instruction.
In addition, we have 30 netbook computers, with wireless Internet connection. They are used for classroom research, science studies, ILA writing projects and more. Every classroom is networked and has Internet accessible computers, as well as a television with COMCAST cable access, DVD and VCR players. After our donation arrives, all our classrooms are equipped with a mounted projector and screens for curriculum enhancement, including Power Point presentations. High speed b/w and color laser printers are used for printing student work. Teachers have been trained on the Smartboards which are available for their use on a daily basis.
Our school’s website is used to maintain communication among our parents, teachers and administration. Our website includes individual pages for each teacher where homework and project information is updated daily. The website also includes information on current happenings and events at Queen of Angels. Teachers and administration are all accessible via . Mrs. C, Technology teacher and coordinator is full time and is responsible for all network and hardware maintenance, instruction for faculty and students, and research and purchase of computer equipment.
Pre 4 and Kindergarten Learns proper behavior in the computer lab. We learn about the parts of the computer. Uses programs which coordinates to the classroom teaching.
Grade 1 and 2 Reviews the parts of the computer and proper care. The classes are coordinated with the grade teacher to use online interactive programs which coordinates with the lesson for the week. Portaportal sites
Grade 3 This is the year we learn to type. No looking and improve our accuracy. We also use online programs to practice our Times Tables. This year we receive our passwords and network files.
Grade 4 is the year we are graded. We begin having worksheets and tests. We will learn Microsoft Word inside and out. Learn to save onto the network and use the network printer. We will also create our own Vocabulary file.
Grades 5-8 Worksheets, Tests, Special projects in Word, and powerpoint. Learn how to manage our files and folders We learn all aspects of Microsoft Create Vocabulary files while doing other projects.
Grades 5-8 Learn to Maintain the print Q Learn to to school and back to home. Do a presentation for our classmates. Take notes from Mrs. C PowerPoint learning sessions.
Grades 7 and 8 Keep a portfolio of Every handout I give them All their work printed from the computer (a second copy) grades sheets returned by Mrs. C Any notes from board Verbal notes or assignments
Why do portfolios in 7 th and 8th To learn to organize for high school To get a good grade To have something to refer back to in case they forget. To have all computer stuff together. To use later as a manual on how to do computer things that they learned.
Extra Information 4 network printers the school’s network; all students will be using these printers. Any parent who wishes to join the Technology Committee please let me know we meet monthly to keep Technology cost down. WE WOULD LIKE TO GIVE A BIG “THANK YOU TO OUT TECH COOMMITTEE WHO WORKED TIRELESSLY THOUGH THE SUMMER TO GET US READY FOR A NEW SCHOOL YEAR!
Internet Permission Slip Per the Archdiocese of Philadelphia all students and facility must sign Internet Permission forms. These forms are kept locked up in the school office
Website Visit us on to find out what’s happening around the Queen of Angels Campus. a teacher from their webpage. Homework will be posted there. Portaportal is a website designed for children to use at school and at home. Password to visit is queenofangels
Vocabulary file 4-8 Students will be copying a computer vocabulary word and definition weekly and creating a computer glossary. They will be tested on the glossary words for a grade. The glossary will be typed on Microsoft word. The saved file name will be your 3 initials and VOCAB No spaces, special characters, and all capital letters.
Computer equipment 2 to 3 computers in each classroom hooked to the internet and network 30 computers in the computer lab all networked. with 3 network printer. 30 netbooks in wireless carts Office 2 computers and printer. all rooms with Comcast service. smart boards will be in every classroom with projectors. New wiring (on order) for the school buildings is needed. New wireless access points are ordered New apple TV converters are ordered 30 ipads in cart to arriving soon
Remember when computers looked like this
Lower School Please be patient with us. We are trying to create a computer lab/library room for the lower school. Currently we have only 11 computers up and they are very slow. Funding is low and we will try to do the best we can. Thank you
Classroom workstations in each room
Now and Then When we started there were folding table and stools ………. Slow computers ……….. Unorganized equipment and room…. Look how far we have come just this summer ……..