Exam 3
Slide 1. Identify: Author, Title, date
Slide 2: Identify: Author, Title, date
Slide 3: Identify: Author, Title, date
Slide 4: Identify: Author, Title, date
Slide 5: Identify: Author, Title, date
Slide 6: Identify: Author, Title, date
Slide 7: Identify: Author, Title, date
Slide 8: Identify: Author, Title, date
Slide 9: Identify: Place, date
Slide 10: Features and their meaning
Slide 11: Place and features
Slide 12: Compare and classify
Slide 13: Compare and classify
Informed guesses: Italian, French, Spanish or Flemish?
Italy, France, Spain, or Colonial America?
Informed guesses: Italian, French, Spanish, or Flemish?
Informed guesses: Who could be the author of these paintings?