Sentence Types 1.Simple 2.Compound 3.Complex 4.Compound-Complex
Independent vs. Subordinate Independent: expresses a complete thought and can be a sentence by itself. The sky is full of clouds. My mother drove me to school. Berry was a songwriter and producer. I woke up late this morning. Do you know Joseph? Alex ate the last slice of pizza. Subordinate: does not express a complete thought and cannot be a sentence by itself. if the new dress is too long that the veterinarian recommended when I bought the CD That you made whose paintings are now famous if my parents agree
Simple Contains one independent clause and no subordinate clauses. 1.The sky is full of clouds. 2.My mother drove me to school. 3.Berry was a songwriter and producer. 4.I woke up late this morning. 5.Do you know Joseph? 6.Alex ate the last slice of pizza.
Simple Sentence Practice Identify the subject and the verbs in the following sentences: 1.The sky is full of clouds. 2.My mother drove me to school. 3.Berry was a songwriter and producer. 4.I woke up late this morning. 5.Do you know Joseph? 6.Alex ate the last slice of pizza.
Compound Contains two or more independent clauses and no subordinate clauses. 1.Ruth Benedict was a respected anthropologist, and Margaret Mead was one of her students. 2.Sheena did not play soccer; she had sprained her ankle. 3.Our apartment manager is kind, yet she will not allow pets in the building.
Simple vs. Compound Practice For exercise 3 on page 443 and 444, do two things: 1.Write the simple subjects and the simple predicates. 2.Write whether the sentence is simple or compound.
Complex Contains an independent clause and at least one subordinate clause. Remember your signal words for subordinate clauses. 1.Helen Keller, who overcame severe physical impairments, showed great determination. 2.Keller was fortunate because she had such a skillful and loving teacher.
Simple, Compound, and Complex Practice Lets do these together: Review A on page 446
Compound-Complex Contains two or more independent clauses and at least one subordinate clause 1.December was a snowy month, and I nearly wrecked the new car that I bought. Ind.: December was a snowy month Ind.: I nearly wrecked the new car Sub.: that I bought
Simple, Compound, Complex, and Compound-Complex Practice Do all the odd numbered problems for Exercise 5 and Review B on pages 448 and 449.