Frequently Asked Questions I Get Regarding OSHA Brenton D. Soderstrum BrownWinick 666 Grand Avenue, Suite 2000 Des Moines, IA Telephone: Facsimile:
1. An OSHA inspector just showed up at our job site. Will they wait until our safety director gets out there?
2.Do I even have to allow OSHA in to inspect?
3.I have no idea why OSHA is out here. How can I find out?
4.If it's based on an employee complaint and I know who complained, can I just fire that employee?
5.What should I do while the inspector is investigating?
6.Do I have to give them documents that they ask for?
7.What happens at the closing conference ?
8.At the informal conference, OSHA did cut the fines quite a bit. Shall I take it?
9.We reached a settlement with OSHA, so now I'm done, right?
10.I just got a set of OSHA citations in the mail. What should I do next?
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