How to be healthy?
Problems: People are overweight playing computer games a lot smocking and drinking alcohol following not a healthy diet eating a lot of fat avoiding exercises watching TV a lot
The aim of the lesson: To know more about a gadget that causes a lot of diseases The tasks of the lesson : Discussing the problem; Reading some new information; Doing some exercises; Speaking;
The using of the telephone Good points - very quickly way to communicate. - a good way to get rid of the feeling of loneliness. - it’s very convenient today Bad points - sending a telephone isn’t healthy - writing a SMS can be not healthy at all. We can be tired of it. - sending sms messages are growing. Depending on SMS - texting
Really serious disease. Why? Problems: some teens become addicted Teens lost the real communication Reasons: SMS has already become a part of the culture. Texting damages the ability to use the proper language
The main idea of the text: SMS –addiction is a real disease and the number of people who have become addicted to sending sms messages are growing.
The summery of the text: Little is known about this side of the mobile communication mania in Russia, although the SMS – addiction has already been studied in the West. Such people can spend hours, pressing buttons on their phones. They become a whole environment for such individuals. Sending an SMS may seem a good way to get rid of the feeling of loneliness.
Dependence: disease fondness SMS-mania phenomenon addiction
Wordbuilding: filling in the gaps VERBNOUNNOUN (person) ADJECTIVEADVERB Dependencedependent fond connect science serious special communicate psychology addict
Remember the wordbuilding! VERBNOUN (person) ADJECTIVEADVERB dependDependencedependentdependently fondnessfond connectconnectionconnecting sciencescientists scientific seriousseriously specialistsspecialspecially communicatecommunicationcommunicative psychologypsychologistspsychological addictaddictionaddicted
«For» or «against» - isn’t dangerous at all, because I don’t use it very often. - I can do it very quickly and in a short way. - Sending an SMS may seem a good way to get rid of the feeling of loneliness. - it’s very convenient today - using a telephone isn’t healthy, especially a SMS. - writing a SMS can be not healthy at all. We can be tired of it. - Texting damages the ability to use the proper language. - some teens become addicted nowadays because SMS has already become a part of the culture. - sending sms messages are growing. - the global problem - we can lose normal human contacts. - depending on SMS -texting