JIM CROW Objective: Students will be to discuss the consequences of the war and Compare & Contrast issues of the past with the present. Purpose: Examine the social consequences of the Civil War and Reconstruction Era. Standard(s): Students will process the concepts and results of the Civil War and Reconstruction as they apply to the 20th century by utilizing one of the big 11 social studies skills. Historical Thinking Skill: Compare & Contrast Cause & Consequence
WARM-UP: PHOTO ANALYSIS Receive the handout and answer questions 1 through 4.
ASSESSMENT: TABLE TEXTING !!! 1. Receive a Table Texting worksheet. 2. Write your name & period # on the top. 3. Write the Thinking Question from the board in the Question Box. 4. Write your “My Response” to the Thinking Question. 5. Collect & Redistribute. 6. Respond, in writing, to question in “Reply 1” bubble. 7. Collect & Redistribute. 8. Respond, in writing, to question in “Reply 2” bubble. 9. Collect & Redistribute. 10. Respond, in writing, to question in “Reply 3” bubble. 11. Reply 3 student deliver paper to original student. 12. Complete questions on back of “Table Texting worksheet
CLOSURE: FOLLOW UP QUESTIONS Write on back of Table Texting worksheet: 1. What did you enjoy about “Table Texting”? 2. What could we do to improve the experience next time? 3. How did your thinking change as a result of this experience? 4. Which responses did you agree with or disagree with? 5. Which responses were most interesting to you?
EXTRA CREDIT OPPORTUNITIES 1. Missing Longhorn Return my wooden longhorn (Waxer / 1221) and receive TWENTY (20) Extra Credit Points !!! 2. Receive TEN (10) Extra Credit points if you bring in ONE (1) unopened box of Tissue Paper. Only ONE (1) Per Quarter Per Student. Must be Unopened & Unused.