Managing People & Dealing With Conflict Darryl Gotwalt VP of Operations, East Region
How we spend most of our work day.… Managing Patients/Care Managing Referral Relationships Managing Staff Managing Ourselves
We manage our staff so we can…. Have a great patient environment Have a great work environment Accomplish clinical and personal goals Have a successful, driven business
“The art of communication is the language of leadership.” — James Humes
Most Important Part of Managing…..
Manager – Know Yourself Open to new ideas? Accept viewpoints different than your own? Deal with conflict? Identify, accept, and deal with your own weaknesses? Ability to confront and address underachieving employees? Willing to change?…..
Your TEAM Only as strong as the weakest link Needs to know the TEAM goal Needs to know their individual responsibilities/expectations Needs to have the skills or be teachable Needs feedback Needs to know there are consequences…
Communication By Example Bulletin Board Daily Meetings Day-to-Day Open Communication Monthly Meetings One-on-One Meetings Clinic Culture
Set Clear Priorities and Goals Identify priorities/goals clearly and simply so that everyone can understand (lowest common denominator) Focus on no more than 3 – 4 priorities/goals at one time to produce the best results Not all goals have the same priority level – 80/20 Rule
Communication Involves: Education Expectations Evaluation
Education Clinic Culture Key Indicators – Why? Charging, Units, Durations – How? Front Office – Why? Reports, Customer Service, Sense of Urgency – How? Growth – Why? Marketing, Payor Mix, Satellite/Acquisition – How?
Expectation Set Goals: Back Office – Key Indicators – Value Enhancement Set Goals: Front Office – Customer Service – Collections Set Goals: Whole Clinic – Culture – Growth – Day Action Plan/Long Term Growth Goals
Evaluation Review Goals – Hit Goals Celebrate Discuss Why and How – Missed Goals Goal Setting Problem – Unknown Outliers Management Problem – Lack of Communication or Education Staff Problem – Specific Issue
…Is Vital For Success …is vital for success. COMMUNICATION
Frustration Staff Challenges Overstaffed/Understaffed Difficult employees Business Challenges Reimbursement Competition Key Indicators
Conflict Happens Conflict is…. A normal, inescapable part of life A periodic occurrence in any relationship An opportunity to understand opposing preferences and values ENERGY
Conflict May be between: 2 or more employees the manager and an employee clinic and outside entity Your approach should depend on the situation.
Actions to Avoid in Conflict Resolution Do not avoid the conflict, hoping it will go away – it will not, and it will most likely get worse if avoided Do not believe, even for a moment, the only people who are affected by the conflict are the participants
How to Mediate and Resolve Conflict Meet with the employee or entity Keep it issue focused, not personal Share perspectives Build understanding Agree on solutions Plan the next step
Most Important Part of Conflict Resolution… COMMUNICATION
How to Mediate and Resolve Conflict? Re-Educate Employee Set New Expectations Re-Evaluate
Management/Conflict Resolution Scenarios How would you handle these situations?
Management/Conflict Resolution Scenarios Scenario #1 Your new hire of less than 60 days is not working out. What do you do?
Management/Conflict Resolution Scenarios -Communicate with employee prior to 60 day mark -Re-educate -Set expectations -Evaluate progress -Discuss with human resources -Extend probationary period -Realize you may have made a bad hire -If needed, may be able to terminate employee in first 90 days without much risk
Scenario #2 Your clinic has a full load of patients today, but cancellations are increasing due to an impending storm. Your full staff today consists of you, staff PT, part-time PTA, part-time tech, BOM and a part-time receptionist. What should you do? Management/Conflict Resolution Scenarios
-Inform the PTA, tech, and receptionist that due to cancellations their services are not needed today -Try to do that before they arrive, but they would be paid for hours worked if already there -Make sure in your regular clinic communication, employees understand this is possible and why -Make sure everyone knows what they can do to prevent or recover from this episode
Coaching/Guiding Employees There are four (4) steps necessary to achieve success with an employee: 1)Assess present performance and provide constructive feedback 2)Set goals and develop a performance plan with the employee 3)Review employee’s progress and performance periodically 4)Discipline when necessary Portal forms that can be utilized for the above items: - 90 Day Evaluation (after Introductory Period) - Extension of Introductory Period Evaluation - Annual Performance Reviews - Employee Warning Notices
Progressive Discipline Process The Three Step Process is the standard, but is not always required. Depending on the nature and scope of the infraction/issue, the steps may be consolidated or eliminated with the approval of HR. 1)Verbal Warning Generally reserved for the first violation of work behavior or performance. Present Verbal Warning form for signature after discussion to memorialize the meeting. 2)Written Warning Follows verbal warning or is serious enough to skip first step. Emphasizes seriousness (factual/objective) – include standard/issue, deficiencies/problems and corrections/goals necessary. Obtain signatures to memorialize the meeting. 3)Termination/Discharge Always consult with HR or Legal before official discharge to ensure all appropriate steps and documentation are in order.
Disciplinary Discussions/Meeting Document, Document, Document… -Use Facts to define problem (whether verbal or written) -Set Objectives for Employee -Come up with Solutions to help Employee meet Objectives -Communicate Actions that will be taken if problem not corrected Progressive Discipline – Verbal, Written, Termination ** All warnings should be documented AND signed off by Employee ** Please note that employee signature does not mean the employee agrees. It means he/she was provided with the information described in the document and received the warning. Be Fair, Be Consistent, and Be Legal
Conflict Summary Research the situation Act quickly Communicate with all affected parties Involve HR/Legal/Compliance, as needed Formulate Plan Follow-through with Plan