Conflict Resolution and Management a. Conflict b. Types of Conflict c. Different Conflict Styles d. Conflict Outcomes e. How to Manage Conflict Prepared by: Marianne C. Beltran II- 10 BVE
What is Conflict? An expressed struggle between at least two interdependent parties who perceive incompatible goals, scarce resources and interference from the other party in achieving their goals. An opportunity to understand opposing preferences and values
Three Types of Conflict 1. Personal or Relational Conflict - are usually about identity or self-image. 2. Instrumental Conflicts - are about goals, structures, procedures and means. 3. Conflicts of Interest - concern the ways in which the means of achieving goals are distributed.
Different Conflict Styles 1. Direct Conflict Style - characterized by using verbal means of resolving conflict and sometimes in a physical way. 2. Indirect Conflict Style - characterized by using mediator. 3. Avoidance Conflict Style - characterized by avoiding the topic or even denying that the problem exists.
Conflict Outcomes 1. Lose – Lose - a result of conflict when all parties end up being worse off. 2. Win – Lose - is a result when only one side perceives the outcome as positive. 3. Win – Win - is an outcome when each side of a dispute feels they have won.
Conflict Resolution Skills on How to Manage Conflict 1. Recognize and manage your emotions. 2. Focus on the issue not on your opponent. 3. Be open-minded, quickly relieve stress and learn how to listen. 4. Have a Brainstorming. 5. Respect your opponent.
“ Every conflict we face in life is rich with positive and negative potential. The choice is not up to our opponents, but to us, and our willingness to face and work through them.” - Kenneth Clocke
Thank You for Listening! God bless.
References: ationsships/conflict-resolution- skills.htm nflict-resolution.html _resolution Buhay Book