Hot Topic Conversations AFLF Funding 2009
Ambition in Action Presenters /Stephan Ridgway, Workforce Development /Paula Williams, Workforce Development /Melanie Doriean, AFLF /ShirleyAnn SummersMorrow (successful submission in 2008) /Glen Cassidy, (successful submission in 2008)
Ambition in Action Topics /Projects for 2009 /Guidelines /Successful projects in 2008 /Linking to Strategic Directions /Writing your submission /Budget /Timelines
Ambition in Action Projects for 2009 /Embed e-learning in industry ($375,000 for new industry sectors/$250,000 for ongoing industry sectors) /produce further Flexible Learning Toolboxes ($1.07m) /develop e-standards ($100,000) /develop innovative e-learning solutions in their state/territory through E-learning Innovations projects ($5.3m). More information:
Ambition in Action Guidelines for Innovation Projects /Overview /Guiding principles /Funding /Priority areas /Matching funding /Applicants /Eligibility /Selection criteria /Project requirements
Ambition in Action Successful Projects in 2008 /InductionInduction Your Your Library
Ambition in Action SI Strategic Plan /Strategic PlanStrategic Plan /Vocational /Enterprise /Tertiary
Ambition in Action Writing your submission /Follow the guidelines /Ensure you have the support of your line manager /Check spelling and grammar /Be concise!!
Ambition in Action Budget /Examples /Replacement teaching rate /DOT rate /In kind funding examples /Get to right-ask
Ambition in Action Timelines /Submission Workshop Tuesday 17 th February in DG40 and VC to Loftus pm /Submission to WFD COB 26 February /WFD will have the submission endorsed by ID (if it meets the requirements) myLearningmyLearning /WFD will send to AFLF by 6 March
Ambition in Action Roles in the Project /Project Manager /Project Facilitator/Mentor /Industry Partnerships- Signed Business Agreement /Team roles- all accountable
Ambition in Action Submissions Workshop th February- DG40 Ultimo loftus TimeActivity 9.30Welcome and Introductions- Paula Williams 9.45 Funding opportunities and preparing your submission Go to for information. 10am Group activity: Funding opportunities Feedback 11amBudgets 11.30Timeline and final questions
Ambition in Action Summary /Projects for 2009 /Guidelines /Successful projects in 2008 /Linking to Strategic Directions /Writing your submission workshop /Budget /Timelines
Ambition in Action Next Session Workforce Presenters: Robby Weatherley & Gerard Kell, Workforce Development Unit