Day 3 Genre: Fable Vocabulary Strategy: Word Structure Vocabulary Strategy: Word Structure Comprehension Skill: Sequence Comprehension Skill: Sequence Comprehension Strategy: Summarize Comprehension Strategy: Summarize
Question of the day: Why do you think it is important for children to read or listen to fables?
Words to Know carpenter carpetmaker knowledge marketplace merchant plenty straying thread
More Words to Know stunned wanderer
merchant a person whose business is buying goods and selling them for a profit
carpenter someone whose work is building and repairing things made of wood
carpetmaker a person who makes carpet and rugs for floors
knowledge what you know
marketplace a place where people meet to buy and sell things
plenty a full supply
straying wandering
thread a thin string made of strands twisted together
Barter System The Grand Master asks for a carpet in exchange for knowledge. Then the carpetmaker asks for thread in exchange for a carpet. When people exchange goods, it is called bartering. The barter system—which is the name for an economic system in which people trade, or barter, goods— was much more common before the invention of money over 4,000 years ago. Since money makes it easier to do business, people no longer have to carry around large items to barter.
Natural Resources Wood and goats are examples of natural resources. Natural resources are raw things found in nature that people use. There are two basic kinds of natural resources: renewable resources and non-renewable resources. Renewable resources are resources that can be replaced. Trees and animals are renewable resources because they are always growing. Non-renewable resources are resources that cannot be replaced, such as oil and coal.
Small Group Time! Let’s Read!
Reader Response This author makes his own pictures. Look back and find a picture that helps tell the story. Tell how it helps. What does the picture add to the story? This author makes his own pictures. Look back and find a picture that helps tell the story. Tell how it helps. What does the picture add to the story? What is important about the sequence in which this story takes place? What is important about the sequence in which this story takes place? Summarize, or retell, what happened after the boy met the merchant. Summarize, or retell, what happened after the boy met the merchant. Draw a map of the boy's journey. Label each stop with the character name plus a new name for the character he visits. For example, instead of Grand Master, label the stop Grand Master/Teacher. Draw a map of the boy's journey. Label each stop with the character name plus a new name for the character he visits. For example, instead of Grand Master, label the stop Grand Master/Teacher.
Selection Test Today! Do your best!
Fluency Let’s read aloud p. 50. Notice how I pause at punctuation and read at a good pace—not too fast and not too slow. Let’s practice as a class by doing three echo readings. Let’s read aloud p. 50. Notice how I pause at punctuation and read at a good pace—not too fast and not too slow. Let’s practice as a class by doing three echo readings.p. 50p. 50
Day 3 Grammar Objectives Define and identify the subject of a sentence. Define and identify the subject of a sentence. Define and identify the predicate of a sentence. Define and identify the predicate of a sentence. Use subjects and predicates correctly in writing. Use subjects and predicates correctly in writing. Become familiar with subject and predicate assessment on high- stakes tests. Become familiar with subject and predicate assessment on high- stakes tests.
did the boy get his wishs? Did the boy get his wishes? He lerned sumthing from a wise man. He learned something from a wise man.
Subjects/Predicates The subject is the part of the sentence that tells whom or what the sentence is about. The subject is the part of the sentence that tells whom or what the sentence is about. The predicate is the part of the sentence that tells what the subject is or does. The predicate is the part of the sentence that tells what the subject is or does.
Sometimes you can give readers better pictures by adding words to subjects and predicates: Sometimes you can give readers better pictures by adding words to subjects and predicates: The cat ran. The cat ran. The scared cat ran under the porch. The scared cat ran under the porch.
Spelling Day 3 Objective: Spell plurals by adding -s or -es to most words. Objective: Spell plurals by adding -s or -es to most words.
To create plurals for most words, only the letter s needs to be added. However, if a word ends in ch, sh, or ss, the letters es must be added to create the plural. For words that end in y, that final y must be changed to i before adding es. To create plurals for most words, only the letter s needs to be added. However, if a word ends in ch, sh, or ss, the letters es must be added to create the plural. For words that end in y, that final y must be changed to i before adding es.
Let’s create word problems using math concepts to create plural words. For example, "One penny plus two pennies equals three pennies." Let’s create word problems using math concepts to create plural words. For example, "One penny plus two pennies equals three pennies."
Frequently Misspelled Words friends friends presents presents is is
1. pennies 2. inches 3. plants 4. families 5. bodies 6. glasses 7. wishes 8. pockets 9. lists 10. copies 11. parties 12. bunches 13. crashes 14. supplies 15. pencils Challenge Words 16. accidents 17. libraries 18. mysteries 19. carpenters 20. merchants