WIOA Purposes Selected Definitions State Workforce Development Boards Combined State Plans Local Workforce Development Boards Local Plans One-Stop Delivery Systems Eligible Providers of Training Services Common Measures TOPICS FOR DISCUSSION
Among the key purposes: Increase access and opportunities Align workforce investment, education, and economic development systems Improve labor market relevance Address employment and skill needs Increase prosperity of workers and employers WIOA Purposes Section 2
Career and technical education Area career and technical education school Career pathways Career planning Career services SELECTED DEFINITIONS Section 3
Must include business majority, labor organizations, apprenticeships (new), organizations serving individuals with barriers to employment Must include the lead State official with responsibility for the core programs May include State agency officials responsible for education programs at the State level, including Chief Executive Officers of community colleges and other institutions of higher education STATE WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT BOARDS: MEMBERSHIP Section 101(b)
Develop and implement State plan Align core programs to develop and improve workforce system: Develop strategies to support career pathways Develop and implement One-Stops Identify regions and local areas Develop and expand industry or sector partnerships related to in- demand industries Establish state performance measures and targets to assess effectiveness of core programs STATE WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT BOARDS: FUNCTIONS Section 101(d)
Develop policies to coordinate services: Criteria and procedures for local boards to use in assessing core programs Guidance on infrastructure costs Defining role and contributions of One-Stop partners, including equitable and efficient cost allocation STATE WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT BOARDS: FUNCTIONS (con’t) Section 101(d)
Align technology and data systems across One-Stop partners Implement technological improvements for digital literacy, accelerated learning, program accessibility, and professional development STATE WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT BOARDS: FUNCTIONS (con’t) Section 101(d)
Incorporate other key partners, including career and technical education programs under Perkins IV Subject to the requirements of Perkins IV Must include: Strategy for joint planning and coordination Assurance allowing core programs to review plan Approval is subject to “special rule” COMBINED STATE PLANS Sections 103(a)(2); 103(b)(3); 103(b)(4)
Submission dates: Plans submitted March 2016 Plan approval within 90 days May be modified at end of first 2-year period Subsequent plans submitted 120 days prior to end of 4-year period Early implementation: Departments must establish process for approving early unified plans STATE PLANS: APPROVALS Section 102(c)
Perkins postsecondary subgrantees are not specifically mentioned Must include a representative of institutions of high education providing workforce investment activities (including community colleges) Required to coordinate activities with education and training providers in the local area, including providers of career and technical education LOCAL WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT BOARDS: MEMBERSHIP Section 107(b)
Develop local plan Conduct workforce research and regional labor analysis Convene, broker, and leverage stakeholders Engage employers Develop and implement career pathways Identify and promote promising practices LOCAL WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT BOARDS: FUNCTIONS Section 107(d)
Facilitate use of technology Oversee program, budget, and administration Negotiate local performance accountability measures Select one-stop operators and providers Coordinate with education providers Facilitate accessibility for individuals with disability LOCAL WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT BOARDS: FUNCTIONS Section 107(d)
Among the required descriptions: Regional economic conditions Knowledge and skill needs Strategic vision and goals Workforce development system, including degree of alignment with career and technical education programs of study One-stop system, including training providers, programs and services LOCAL PLANS Section 108(b)
Include career and technical programs at the postsecondary level under Perkins IV Provide access to programs and services, including “career services” that are applicable to the programs and services available at the one-stop center Use a portion of funds to maintain the One-Stop delivery system ONE-STOP DELIVERY SYSTEMS: MANDATORY PARTNERS Section 121(b); 121(e); 121(i)
Partners are required to provide infrastructure (non-personnel) costs to the one-stop delivery system Local Workforce Boards and one-stop partners, through a MOU, establish contributions Costs must be paid from funds reserved for administration Costs may be in-kind (i.e., staff time, donated equipment) Contributions cannot exceed 1.5% of the amount of Federal funds provided to carry out that program in the State for a fiscal year ONE-STOP DELIVERY SYSTEMS: INFRASTRUCTURE COSTS Section 121(h)
Among the uses of funds: Establish the one-stop delivery system Provide “career services” Provide “training services” Establish relationships with employers Develop and convene industry partnerships Partners must also contribute to costs for “career services” ONE-STOP DELIVERY SYSTEMS: USES OF FUNDS Section 134(c); 121(i)
Governor, in consultation with State Board, establishes criteria, information requirements, and procedures May be an institution of higher education that provides career and technical education List of eligible training providers provided to local boards and made available to participants ELIGIBLE PROVIDERS OF TRAINING SERVICES Section 122
Core programs must implement common performance metrics Measures focus on: Credential attainment and skills gains Employment Earnings Employer satisfaction Measures apply to Perkins postsecondary programs that provide training services to WIOA students. COMMON MEASURES Section 116(b)(2)(A)
OCTAE/DATE will host a conference call in mid-October 2014 Departments will issue a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) in January 2015 Departments will issue final rules in January 2016 NEXT STEPS
OCTAE Website: a-reauthorization.html a-reauthorization.html Department of Labor, ETA Website: Perkins Collaborative Resource Network: Division of Adult Education and Literacy: RESOURCES