Sunnyside unified school district high school attendance policy By: Yulissa,Arely,Anali,Azul
Absent when necessary Illness such as doctors or dentist appointment,or personal illness verified by parent/guardian. Family emergency like serious illness or death in the family. Religious holidays upon written parent request is also a excused.
Truancy laws If you have at least five school days unexcused absence within a school year a truancy offices will arrive at your door. If failed to ensure your child to attend to school is a criminal offense and can fine you up to 30 days in pima county jail. If in violation of A.R.S(unexcused absence for at least one class period) you will be fined with 2, dollars and sentence for 6 or more moths in the pima county jail.
unexcused absences If you have three unexcused absence, the school and teachers will make a phone call or have a home visit. Five unexcused absences, you will be referral to a truancy officer. Ten unexcused absences, student is referred to project manager and placed on a contract. 15 unexcused or more absences, student may be transferred to star academic center.
Excessive absences Students who have ten or more absences in semester will be considered a excessively absent student. An auto-dialer will contact your parent when you miss a class.