The King Is Coming James 5:7-12
1. Maintain an Eternal Perspective- Vs.7-8 So many times as Christians we just want to sit back and do nothing, and then expect God to send something we don’t deserve. We work, as Christians, knowing the end result is well worth the work and wait. I don’t believe there has ever been a time in Christianity when there has been so many “Christians” who were so inconsistent in the things of God.
2. Don’t Become Self Righteous- V.9 The Bible clearly teaches that you will be judged by the same standard that you judge someone else. If we will do everything we do in love than we will never become self righteous. I am here to tell you this morning that it is only by the grace of God that you are here, and it is not by your own merit but a gift of God.
3. Follow Scriptural Examples- Vs James tells us that we should look to the people of the Bible as examples in how to live our lives. We need to take the Scriptures and apply the truths that are contained therein to our lives. You need to learn how to live the life God has for you through the examples given to us in the Bible.
4. Display Godly Character- V.12 One of the most Godly things you could do is to do what you say you are going to do. When a Christian says they are going to do something that should be all that needs to be said. We need to understand and live knowing that there is a reckoning day approaching. Are you ready for that day?