Presentation to The BIM Summit 2016 SECURE COLLABORATION FOR BIM Delivering a Secure Common Data Platform and a Collaborative Business Process for BIM Andrew Longyear Solutions Architect - Transportation Cisco Systems
Presentation to The BIM Summit 2016 WHO IS CISCO CHANGE, SOLVE, INNOVATE CISCO’S VISION For 30 years, we’ve focused on helping to change the way the world works, lives, plays, and learns. CISCO’S STRATEGY We create solutions built on intelligent networks that solve our customers’ challenges. CISCO’S MISSION Shape the future of the Internet by creating unprecedented value and opportunity for our customers, employees, investors, and ecosystem partners. Cisco Overview More than 71,500 employees Nearly 70,000 channel partners 380 global sites doing business in 165+ countries More than 19,000 patents 25,000 engineers (35% of our workforce) #1 or #2 in most market segments we serve More than 180 acquisitions since 1993 Broad portfolio of integrated products and solutions
Presentation to The BIM Summit Data records stolen every second £10 0 Average cost per stolen record 23% Increase in the total cost of a data breach since 2013 SECURITY IN THE CONNECT WORLD WHY DO WE NEED TO WORRY ABOUT SECURITY
Presentation to The BIM Summit 2016 CLIENT-SERVER CLOUD MOBILE DEVICES THOUSANDS TENS OF THOUSANDS MILLIONS BILLIONS potential for more people and things to be engaging with your business higher expectations C OMPLIANCE : BIM L EVEL 2 legacy systems, interoperability issues & security/privacy concerns holding you back WIDENING THREAT LANDSCAPE INCREASED COST $ POOR USER EXPERIENCE CHANGING LANDSCAPE THE GAP IS WIDENING
Presentation to The BIM Summit 2016 S INGLE S OURCE OF T RUTH FOR I DENTITY Standard approach for managing the lifecycle of B2B and B2C identities I NTERNAL C OMMUNICATION Providing employees with SSO access to multiple internal and external applications I NTERNAL & E XTERNAL C OLLABORATION Connecting partners, vendors and the wider community into the project or Business T RANSFORMATION Embrace complex set of connected people and things to drive innovation LARGE ENTERPRISE SCALE SELF - SERVICE AND MULTI - LEVEL APPROVALS LEVERAGE AND INTEGRATE EXISTING SYSTEMS AND ASSETS GOVERNANCE & COMPLIANCE Start with the end in mind ROADMAP TO BIM COLLABORATION SYSTEMATIC APPROACH
Presentation to The BIM Summit 2016 The goal is to deliver trusted BIM data securely to the systems, people and things that need it. Identity Management. Who are the right systems, people and things, what should they have access to? Integration and Orchestration. Where does that information come from? What format should it be in? How should it be fed-back into the Model? Presentation. How should the Building Information Model be presented to the end-user in a way that is personalised and useful to them? BIM AND COLLABORATION IDENTITY IS THE FUNDAMENTAL BUILDING BLOCK
Presentation to The BIM Summit 2016 IdentityMessagingPresentation Identity Manager Identity and access provisioning, delegated admin, auth mgmt., audit compliance and attestation Integration Broker Data transfer/routing/prioritization, Transformation/Sequencing, EDI, Trading Partner Mgmt Portal Build web applications App Community (API’s) BIM Systems Authentication Manager ID/Password, MFA, Risk Based, SSO, Federation translation and mapping Identity Intelligence Reporting and analytics Directory Services Cloud directory, Data Sync, IDBridge Gateway Services Integrate 3 rd party web services, API orchestration, composite services Pub/Sub Engine Event data hub, guaranteed delivery, application registration/authentication Content Management Role-Based Delivery COLLABORATION ELEMENTS HIGH LEVEL STRUCTURE
Presentation to The BIM Summit 2016 Challenge Collaborating with internal and external business partners (risk and process) Moving targets – global legislation Security and privacy concerns Legacy systems/approaches Multiple Security Levels leads to negative user experience Management overhead for 1000’s of suppliers/contractors ID should not be the bottle neck to BIM Level 2 Compliance Local Administration Request/Approve Audit/Attestation Registration/Approval Automated (De) Provisioning SSO / MFA SAML / WS-Fed Contractor Admin Contractor Users Supplier Admin Supplier Users Supplier Admin Supplier Users BIM Applications Enterprise Directory (AD/LDAP…) CHALLENGE 1 - MANAGING IDENTITY ACROSS LARGE COMPLEX PROJECT FOR BIM COMPLIANCE DELEGATED AUTHORITY
Presentation to The BIM Summit 2016 CHALLENGE 2 - DATA EXCHANGE & PRESENTATION Data Exchange It is the data exchange that provides system-to-system integration and facilitates the exchange of data between suppliers/contractors Data Exchange should perform any-to-any translation and other custom processing services during the data exchange Data Exchange should supports asynchronous and synchronous message processing Data Exchang e Contractor A Receiving Contractor B Receiving Supplier A Sending Employees Receiving & Sending Supplier B Receiving & Sending
Presentation to The BIM Summit 2016 ManufactureSell Engage Develop LEGISLATION MARKET PRESSURES CRM / ERP LEGACY SYSTEMS Prod. Suppliers Non-Prod Suppliers Retailers Customer Prospect Partner Finance IOs Fleet/ Logistics Testing Contractor Partner Events Training INNOVATION IN THE AUTOMOTIVE SECTOR
Presentation to The BIM Summit 2016 Aggregated & Transformed Analytics IoT ServicesPresentation Integration Orchestration Identity APIs Presented on Any Device On-Device Computer Mobile Tablet Information from Anywhere Systems Things Private Cloud Public Cloud One Secure, Personal Experience Employees Trackside Workers Suppliers Construction BIM COLLABORATION SUMMARY SECURE COLLABORATIVE ENVIRONMENT
Presentation to The BIM Summit 2016 BIM COLLABORATION CHALLENGES Identity Management –Start with the end in Mind System Scalability and Extensibility –We will need to scale and reach all the parties to reach BIM compliance Learn form other industries who have already tackled some of these challenges SUMMARY
Presentation to The BIM Summit 2016 Q&A