+ Networks & The Creative Process Creativity & The Brain
+ Checking Our Progress
+ What Needs to Be Explained? You see things and you say “why” but I dream things that never were and I say “why not.” George Bernard Shaw
+ If Not the Muse, Then What?
+ Are We Stuck In a Rut?
+ Where Do We Find Creativity?
+ Can We See Creativity?
+ Phrenology
+ Language & The Brain
+ Advances In Brain Research
+ The Left-Right Myth
+ The Corpus Collosum
+ The Networked Brain
+ The Transmitters
+ The Links
+ Interconnection
+ Consciousness & the Mind/Body Paradox
+ The Synaptic Self
+ Brain Plasticity
+ Neuroasthetics
+ Semir Zeki
+ The Mystery of the Cerebral Cortex
+ The Critical Element in Acquiring Knowledge
+ Abstractions & Conceptualizations
+ Hardwired, Inherited Concepts
+ Colors
+ Break Time
+ Experiences & Synthetic Concepts
+ A Process of Comparison Sir Lawrence Alma-Tadema
+ What Can We Learn From Art?
+ Projection
+ Obsessing on the Ideal
+ The Search For Beauty
+ The Blank Spaces
+ Best Left Unfinished
+ The Concept of Love
+ Out Of One’s Mind
+ Unity & Oneness
+ Dante & Beatrice
+ Unity in Death Jean Broc ( )
+ Tristan & Isolde
+ Death in Venice
+ The Sacred & The Profane
+ The Causes of Misery
+ The Individual Versus Society
+ The Synthetic Brain & The Ongoing Search for the Ideal
+ The Imagination Triumphs
+ The Origin of Creativity
+ Blogging Question We have talked about creativity from a variety of different perspectives. In providing a biographical perspective, Gardner puts forward a more holistic approach. Based on your readings, relate Gardner’s findings to the literatures and explanations we have read so far. What, if anything, to they add that was missing from the earlier readings?