Higher RMPS Spot Test October 2015 Answers
1. What is meant by Revelation? Revealing a truth – uncovering God revealing Himself to mankind General and Specific General – nature and conscience Specific – Bible, visions and dreams, burning bush, prophets, via nation of Israel and ultimately Jesus
2. Explain ‘Scientific Method’ Scientific system for establishing truth Based on assumption everything can be known Reason and logic Observation, testing recording and verifying Objective, based on empirical evidence
3. In what way might science be superior to faith? Objective and reasonable Not reliant on faith Not based on ancient texts or revelation which can be unreliable or open to interpretation Based on verifiable evidence Changes over time so up to date as new info becomes available
4. Why might Scientific Method be limited? Human error is always possible Open to bias / political pressure Changes over time – how can we then trust a truth if science changes its mind? Some things do not seem to be observable, eg. Dark matter. Can be circumstantial and speculative
5. Outline the variety of ways Christians read Genesis Literal Christians take it as Word of God, 6 days of creation actually happened – lots of problems with this approach especially age of earth Young Earth view is world is 6000 years Old Earth view is that 6 ‘days’ were much longer periods of time Liberal view is that Genesis is symbolic / metaphorical and not history
6. Strengths and weaknesses of Liberal approach Liberal approach means you take it symbolically Open to new ideas and changing values, not constrained to one viewpoing Open to a variety of interpretations Can accept science alongside faith However can we really pick and choose what is real and what is not from Bible? Open to accusation of undermining faith – if you don’t believe parts why believe any of it?
7. Outline key points of Big Bang Theory and 3 pieces of evidence Scientific theory of origin of the universe 13.7 billion years ago a singularity existed containing all matter and energy Explosion then expansion creates universe Stars galaxies and planets form as the universe cools over billions of years Redshift proves expanding universe CMB Radiation detected Abundance of elements as we’d expect
8. Challenges to Design Argument Appearance of design does not mean there WAS as designer Evolution allows for the appearance of complexity and design without a designer If it was designed then who is to say it was God or just one deity? Chaos and suffering suggest it is more random – would loving God allow suffering? Perhaps there is no creator – the universe has just always existed (as opposed to God)
9. Outline 3 key pieces of evidence used by Darwin for Evolution Geographical Diversity – eg finches and tortoises on the Galapagos islands Breeding programmes eg dogs and pigeons Vestigial Organs – eg wings in flightless birds Common features – eg 5 digit appendage or the similarity in embryos Fossils show oldest creatures most simple and newer ones more complex
10. Modern Evidence for Evolution DNA shows us the similarity between species eg humans and apes Genetics shows us how genes are passed on to offspring to provide them with the same advantages as parents Modern fossil discoveries show the development of modern man from more primative types of human
11. Why might Fundamentalist Christians object to Evolution? Directly contradicts the Bible, the Word of God Why would God lie to us about our origins? Removes the need for God as creator – direct challenge to existence of God and role Removes notion of us in God’s image – no longer a meaning value and purpose to life Takes away any sense of moral responsibility – we are animals so can behave as such Suggests we are related to the apes which many cannot accept
12. Outline criticisms of Intelligent Design put forward by mainstream Science Not ‘real’ science – not objective nor is it based on empirical evidence Involves the ‘supernatural’ which by definition science cannot talk about Starts with premise that there is a creator designer Seen as religion wearing a science lab coat Evidence used by ID is selective and interpreted in a narrow way to prove ideas