Session Aims Part 1 to: Consider the ECM agenda from a school perspective Raise awareness of working with outside agencies to access specialist support for pupils Understand how provision can be personalised Part 2 to: Understand the backgrounds and needs of EAL pupils Consider the importance of inclusion of New Arrivals / EAL pupils within the mainstream Experience a range of strategies for supporting EAL pupils
Standards to be Addressed Relationships with children and young people (Q1) Communicating and working with others (Q4, Q5, Q6) Achievement and diversity (Q18,Q19 Q20) Health and well- being (Q21a, Q21b) Teaching (Q25a, 25c)
Part 1: Every Child Matters
The Improvement in opportunities and outcomes for children Build services around the child, young person and family Support parents and carers Develop the workforce, changing culture and practice and integrate teams
Progress so far Legislative foundation: the Children Act 2004 Outcomes Framework: -Be healthy -Stay safe -Enjoy and achieve -Make a positive contribution -Achieve economic well-being
Change for Children in schools Schools already contribute to pupils’ well-being through: -Helping pupils’ achieve -Dealing with bullying and keeping children safe -Promoting healthy lifestyles through for example breakfast clubs and sporting activities -Ensuring attendance, encouraging pupils to behave responsibly and giving them a voice -Helping communities to value education -Engaging and helping parents in actively supporting their children’s learning and development
Change for Children in schools Strategies - Strong support for ‘personalised learning’ -Encourage schools to offer a range of extended services that help pupils to engage and achieve -Stronger relationships with parents and the wider community -Supporting closer work between schools and specialist services -Early identification of & effective support for children in need
Change for Children in schools Outcomes -Schools offering ‘extended services’ e.g. breakfast and after- school clubs improving children’s motivation and engagement -Study support -Family learning and parental support opportunities -Better referral systems to multi- agency support -More integrated ways of working
Case Studies
Babble Gabble
Have a Break! Take 15 minutes (no more!) We deserve it!