Peregrine Falcon By Bianca Puente Peregrines capture their prey in mid flight.
Anatomy, What do they look like? Peregrines are raptors, which mean that they are birds of prey. They have blue-grey feathers and are buff white on the underside with black spots. They have a hooked beak and sharp talon claws They have a wing span of up to 3.5 feet and their body length is inches. They weigh about 2 pounds as an adult.
Habitat, Where do they live? Peregrines are in every continent except Antarctica. They can live in extreme cold and very hot dry weather. They can also live in tropical weather. The red areas are where peregrine live.
Diet Peregrine eat other birds. They are also called duck hawks because ducks are a large part of their diet. They also eat bats. They catch their prey in mid flight
Interesting Facts Peregrines are the fastest birds in the world. They can fly up to 200 miles per hour. Peregrines have adapted to cities and have been seen living on ledges of buildings near parks.
Dangers and Hope for the Peregrine Pesticides such as DDT have thinned out the population of peregrines The restriction of DDT has helped bring back the peregrines and they are not on the endangered list right now. You can help by adopting a peregrine hawk at on/index.php on/index.php You can also ask President Obama to protect the Arctic Refuge at: URVEY_ID=20660&ACTION_REQUIRE D=URI_ACTION_USER_REQUESTS URVEY_ID=20660&ACTION_REQUIRE D=URI_ACTION_USER_REQUESTS