Formal Analysis
FORMAL Writing Refrain from using first person (I/me/my/you) When discussing how the reader may view the passage use “we” or “one” or “the reader” Examples: Through Dickinson’s use of diction the reader can see a tone of peace and calm when referring to death.
SPEAKER Do not assume the speaker is Dickinson Instead, refer to the speaker as the speaker (unless there are specific clues in the poem that ensure gender) In the poem, the speaker retells that they are experiencing death.
Paragraph 1 While brief, make it count! State full title of poem (correctly!) State interesting and relevant bio info
Intro Example Emily Dickinson is renowned as one of the greatest American poets, though in life she garnered little acclaim. Her most famous poem, “Because I could not stop for Death-”, written circa 1863, is one of several death-themed poems and shows her comfort with a subject so often feared.”
Paragraph 2 Topic sentence????!!! In “Because I could not stop for Death” the narrator goes on a carriage ride with death as she revisits highlights of her life. The poem begins…. Ensure direct quotes are used to compel summary along Any words used from the poem must be in quotes “grain” “sun” “immortality” – and yes should also be cited. Contact the last line of the poem!!!
Paragraph 3 Thesis should be arguable and clear: Dickinson’s use of imagery in the poem shows the passing of time, specifically the passing of a life. All examples and follow up analysis should support your thesis! “So What” should be evidence; equate form to meaning Concluding sentence is a beautiful concept!