Mary Rich
A Little Bit About Me… I graduated from Oakland University in I student taught fifth grade at Huron. This is my sixth year of teaching. Second year teaching 3 rd grade I earned my Master’s Degree in Reading and Literacy from Marygrove College.
MTSS Multi-Tiered Systems of Support RTI??? PBIS???
Huron Huskie s H ave an “I CAN” Attitude O wn Your Actions W ork Together L ive Respectfully S tay Safe
Our Schedule 9:00-9:15-Agenda/Announcements 9:15-9:30-Number Corner 9:30-10:30-Cafe/Daily 5 10:30-11:08-Writing (B.A.W.) 11:08-12:10-Specials (Thursday is Gym day!) 12:15-1:00-Lunch/Recess 1:00-1:20-Read Aloud/Spelling 1:20-2:45-Math 2:45-3:35- Science/Social Studies 3:35-Clean up 3:50-Dismissal
AGENDA Some work that is not finished in class will need to be finished at home. It will be circled in the agenda. Please check the agenda each day and sign at the bottom. You may write me a note if you have any questions or concerns.
Reading CAFÉ /Daily 5 We will also read class novels throughout the school year. Stone Fox, Journey Back to Lumberjack Camp, and The Mouse and the Motorcycle are the three you may see this year. Students will read an AR book each week and take a comprehension quiz on the book. Eventually the requirement will be 2 books per week. AR Quizzes must be completed by Monday. Library is on Tuesday—Library books should return to school each day.
September Reading Log Student: When you have read, record your minutes and have your parent initial the proper box (each day). At the end of the month, add up all your minutes, write your total, & have a parent sign. Goal: 20 minutes/5 nights per week or 100 minutes total per week. Due: Monday, September 29 th SundayMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturday 12 *1 st day of log *Log DUE! 30 Name: _______________________________________ Total # of minutes read:___________ (Goal= ___400_______min.) Parent Signature: ____________________________________________________________ (please add up minutes)
Language Cursive-Hand Writing Without Tears Spelling—Words their Way Spelling Groups Volunteers needed!
Writing Being a Writer Program 6 Traits Writing Program Other writing projects Students will write a personal narrative, a persuasive essay, and an expository piece this year.
Math Bridges Home Connections Number Corner Resources
Social Studies Map skills Introduction to Michigan – Geography – Natural resources – Economics – Democratic values – Civics – History Scholastic News Meet Michigan text Size:464 × 550 Type:97KB JPG
Science Organization/Classificatio n of living things – animals and plants Geology – Earth structure – Solid earth Positive or negative effects on the environment Rocks and Minerals
Field Trips/ Guest Speakers Stony Creek Metropark Cranbrook Landfill Randy Baker Metro Parks Mobile Unit Detroit Zoo??? I will notify you as soon as we have the dates.
Weekly Homework Read a minimum of 20 minutes per night Practice math facts daily Spelling words/homework due Thursday Anything not finished in class
PTO fundraiser- PTO will be selling Entertainment Books and Cookie Dough. Our kickoff assembly is on September 28 th the sale runs from September 29 thru October 13. PTO Fundraiser
Watch D.O.G.S. WATCH D.O.G.S. (Dads Of Great Students) is an innovative program being used by schools across America which helps them to be positively impacted by the committed involvement of fathers and father-figures in their student's life. Our goal is to have you spend at least one day this year at the school to be a positive male role model and to provide an extra set of eyes and ears. Watch for more information regarding our Kick-Off in October.
Other Important Information Parent helpers will need to have a background check (if not already completed from previous school year). Please sign Friday Folders and return on Monday.
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