Basic Endocrine Level 相爾傑 1
Basal Endocrine Level The level of hormone compared with normal range. Consistent with clinical presentation. Much information can be gained when different hormones are assessed simultaneously. 2
Normal Plasma Concentration 3
Measurement of Cortisol Serum cortisol. Normal value: Early morning—10~20 g/dL 4pm—3~10 g/dL 4
Measurement of Aldosterone Morning serum aldosterone: 5~30 ng/dL (seated normal subjects, salt unrestricted) Diurnal variation: highest at the time of awakening, lowest in the evening. Increased in the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle. 5
Measurement of PRA Plasma renin activity is expressed as the amount of angiotensin I generated per unit of time. Morning plasma renin activity for seated subjects ranges from about 1 to 4 ng/mL/hour. 6
Measurement of VMA 24-hour urine. Metabolite of Norepinephrine. Normal range: 1~7 mg/day. (18 years and older) 7
Reference Shane Bullock et al. Principles of Pathophysiology, Kasper et al. Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine (19 th ), Shlomo Melmed et al. WILLIAMS Textbook of Endocrinology (12 th ), serum-and- saliva?source=search_result&search=cortisol&selectedTitle=1%7E150 aldosterone-system-in-adrenal- disease?source=search_result&search=Aldosterone&selectedTitle=1% 7E html 8