Are there any other ways of estimating fusion enthalpies and melting temperatures? Mobile Order and Disorder Theory
ln x = -[( fus H/R)(1/T-1/T fus )+ ( trans H/R)(1/T-1/T trans )] – ln , where x is the observed solubility in mole fraction, fus H is the enthalpy of fusion, T fus is the melting point of the compound of interest, and R and T refer to the gas constant and temperature of measurement, respectively and represents the activity coefficient. Mobile Order and Disorder Theory (MOD) ln B = A + B + D + F + O + OH(1) where the solubility B on a volume fraction scale ( B = x B V B /(x B V B -(1-x B )V S ) of a solute B in a solvent S is evaluated by a series of terms.
ln B = A + B + D + F + O + OH (2) A = - ( fus H/R)(1/T-1/T fus ) - ( trans H/R)(1/T-1/T trans ) (3) B = 0.5 S (V B /V S – 1) ln( B + S V B /V S ) (4) D = - S 2 V B ( B - S ) 2 /[RT(1.0 + max(K OH, K O ) S /V S )] (5) F = - r S S V B /V S + OHi S (r S +b i ) (6) O = Oi ln[(1 + K Oi ( S /V S - Oi B /V B )] (7) OH = OHi [ln(1 + K OHi S /V S + K BBi B /V B ) – ln(1 +K BBi V B )] (8) The terms represent different factors that can influence the solubility of each respective compound, including such factors as hydrogen bonding, nonspecific cohesion forces, entropic factors, and others.
S is the volume fraction of the solvent, S; calculated from 1- B B is the volume fraction of the solute; calculated from solubility V B is the molar volumes of the solute V S is the molar volumes of the solute V B & V S can be estimated by group additivity B & S are modified cohesion parameters; S values are tabulated for most common solvents; B is an unknown. K O, K OH, & K BB refer to stability constants that describe the strength of association between solute-solvent and solute-solute molecules respectively resulting from hydrogen bonding r S & b are structuration factors associated with amphiphilic solvents
Table. Standard group interaction stability constants and related parameters at 298 K a Term Value Comment r S 0for non-associated solvents (all hydrocarbons, esters, ketones nitriles) r S 1for strongly associated solvents forming single hydrogen bonds (alcohols) r S 2for water and diols (molecules involved in double hydrogen bonded chains b0for non-aqueous solvents K OH 40solute donor : –OH; solvent acceptor: -C N; -NO 2 K OH 200solute donor :–OH; solvent acceptor: aromatic ring;CH 2 Cl 2 K OH 230solute donor : secondary amine; solvent acceptor: -OH K OH 300solute donor : –OH; solvent acceptor: CHCl 3 K OH 1000solute donor : secondary amide; solvent acceptor: -OH K OH 1500solute donor: aromatic or conjugated amine; solvent acceptor: -OH K OH 2000solute donor: –OH; solvent acceptor: ketone
K OH 2500solute donor: –OH; solvent acceptor: ester; ether K OH 5000solute donor: –OH; solvent acceptor: -OH K O 110solute acceptor: ester. ether; HN-N= ; solvent donor: -OH K O 170solute acceptor: ketone; solvent donor: -OH K O 300solute acceptor: tertiary amine; solvent donor: -OH K O 600solute acceptor: tertiary amide; solvent donor: -OH K BB 0solute acceptor: secondary amine; solvent donor: secondary amine K BB 1000solute acceptor: secondary amide; solvent donor : secondary amide K BB 1500solute acceptor: aromatic or conjugated amine; solvent donor: aromatic or conjugated amine K BB 5000solute acceptor: -OH; all steroids; solvent donor: - OH ; all steroids Oi refers to the number of K O, K OH interations in polyfunctional molecules
ln B = A + B + D + F + O + OH (2) Assuming no additional phase transitions between T fus and 298 K A = - ( fus H/R)(1/T-1/T fus ) (3)
B = 0.5 S (V B /V S – 1) ln( B + S V B /V S ) S = 1 - B represents a correction factor for the entropy of mixing accounting for the different sizes of the solute and solvent molecules D = - S 2 V B ( B - S ) 2 /[RT(1.0 + max(K OH, K O ) S /V S )] represents the change in the non-hydrogen bonding cohesion forces when fluid solute is mixed with solvent
Solvent S V S chloroform CCl benzene toluene CH 2 ClCH 2 Cl cyclohexane butyl acetate acetone ethyl acetate hexane octane butanol propanol methanol
F = - r S S V B /V S + OHi S (r S +b i ) represents the structuration of the solvent when the solvent is an alcohol or water b = 0 for alcoholic solvents, O = Oi ln[(1 + K Oi ( S /V S - Oi B /V B )] represents the proton acceptor solute-solvent interaction on the solute. It reflects the effect of hydrogen bonding on solubility between a hydroxylic solvent and proton acceptor sites on the solute.
OH represents the proton donor solute solvent interaction describing the the effect on solubility of a proton donor site on the solute which both self associates (K BB ) and interacts with the solvent (K OH ). For non-aqueous solvents OH = 0
Calculation of solubility of methyl hexadecanoate The following is needed: 1.The melting point and the molar enthalpy of fusion in order to calculate A 2.The formula in order to calculate the molar volume 3.The values of K O, K OH 4.The cohesion parameter B. This is obtained by measuring the solubility of the compound in a solvent that does not form hydrogen bonds such as hexane..
Calculation of B for methyl hexadecanoate For non-hydrogen bonded solvents K OH, K O are not found, therefore K = 0, r S = 0 ln B = A + B + D D = ln B - A - B S 2 V B ( B - S ) 2 /RT = ln B - A - B ( B - S ) 2 = -RT(ln B - A – B)/ S 2 V B mol fraction X B = ; V B = 309cm 3 /mol A = V S (hexane) = 131.6cm 3 /mol S = 14.56(J/cm 3 ).5
Calculation of solubility of methyl hexadecanoate For non-hydrogen bonded solvents K OH, K O are not found, therefore K = 0, r S = 0 For alcohols K O = 110;solute acceptor: ester; solvent donor: -OH r S = 1 fus H (303.8) = kJ mol -1 V B = 309 cm 3 /mol B = J 0.5 /cm -1.5
Suppose we use experimental solubilities and MOD theory For a known compound with an unknown mp and fusion enthalpy and a known solubility in a known solvent ln B = A + B + D + F + O + OH We know ln B ; all the terms in B, all the terms in D except B ; all the terms in F, O and OH By measuring the solubility in two or more solvents, we have two (or more equations) and two unknowns and we can solve for A and B
Solvent SO V SO Bexpt B D F O ln Bcalcd Bexpt chloroform CCl benzene toluene CH 2 ClCH 2 Cl cyclohexane butyl acetate acetone ethyl acetate hexane octane butanol propanol methanol
A = - ( fus H/R)(1/T-1/T fus ) RA = - fus H/T + fus S Since T = K fus S = tpce S = 2* *7.1* = 173 RA = (8.314)(-0.75) = Then fus H = T(-RA + fus S) = ( ) = J mol -1 T fus = 304 K Lit. fus H(304) = 55.6 kJ mol -1
; b non-associated solvents; c associated solvents; d computed using all experimental solubility data;
Compound T fus expt T fus calc b T fus calcd c T fus calcd d tpce S estd e tpce H calcd d tpce H expt
Figure. A comparison of fusion temperatures calculated from solubility measurements and estimated total phase change entropies with experimental values. Standard deviation K 12 K K 23 K All data (81) 39 K
Figure. A comparison of calculated total phase change enthalpies with experimental values for all 81 compounds in the data base. Standard deviation 6.4 kJ mol -1