MAGAZINE MEDIA OFFER A WELCOMING ENVIRONMENT IN AN AD BLOCKING ERA The proliferation on channels equates to more opportunities for brands to reach consumers. However, consumers are becoming increasingly negative to commercial messages with the rise of ad-blocking evidence of this. In this climate the challenge for brands is to hunt down the right times and places where their message is more welcomed. On a number of key metrics magazines outperform other channels in this territory. Consumers are more open to advertising in magazine media and even actively seek it out.
RECEPTIVITY TO ADVERTISING IS DECLINING RAPIDLY “Advertising is in surplus right now. There is so much we’ll never run short of messages from brands. The danger is that in constantly pushing our messages the industry will damage it’s most precious resource – consumers willingness to receive them. It's like pumping out our own version of CO2 into the atmosphere and destroying the environment” SUE ELMS, EVP, Millward Brown
+2.9m33%10% Sources: TGI Europe, ComScore Ad Blocking (2015) VS 2013Ads a waste of my time (2014) AD RECEPTIVITY IS LIKELY TO DECLINE FURTHER Advertisers are already confronted with both passive resistance to advertising, as well as active steps such as installing ad blockers on computers and mobile phones. By 2018 at least a third of consumers will be physically closed to online advertising
Q: Advertisers can target the video ads you see in many different ways. How do you feel about video ad targeting based on…? NET (+ve minus –ve) Personal interests Category/Brand interest Editorial content Where you live Shopping history Demographics Location Search history Social media profile Web browsing history Q: Describe when you last remember realizing a video ad had been targeted at you. Where did it happen and how did it make you feel? MOST METHODS OF TARGETING ARE UNWELCOME Magazine media tends to be self targeting by nature. Consumer pick brands and content that has direct relation with their interest. There is a strong correlation between this behaviour and consumers’ preferred mode of targeting. Contextual targeting is a natural role which magazines excel at Sources: MB Ad reaction survey
Sources: PPA Magnify 2011 Advertising is seen as part of the content offering, not an interruption of it. As a result, readers are as likely to take notice of an advert as a piece of editorial. They are also nearly as likely to take an action as a result of exposure AD AVOIDANCE NOT AN ISSUE FOR MAGAZINES NOTED SCORES NET ACTION SCORES 54% 63% 66% Advertising Editorial
ADVERTISING IS WELCOMED IN MAGAZINE MEDIA Sources: MTM 2015 How much do you agree with each of the following statements about the advertising in it. Sample amongst user of that channel