Research Institute for Nature and Forest (INBO) Scientific institute of the Flemish Government.


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Presentation transcript:

Research Institute for Nature and Forest (INBO) Scientific institute of the Flemish Government

Research Institute for Nature and Forest (INBO) Scientific institute of the Flemish Government research/knowledge centre on biodiversity and its sustainable management and use Based in Brussels 218 heads (87 scientists), 178 FTE Mission < EU Biodiversity Strategy 2020 IAS one of 4 key issues in the work programme (yet 1,5 fte) Participates in 7th Framework Program, INTERREG and LIFE+ Partner in Alternet network of Excellence, Lifewatch partner

IAS activities at INBO Coordination of the monitoring of (potentially) invasive species in Flanders (statutory duty < Species Decree 15 May 2009): early warning & rapid response for non-established species early warning in Flanders through citizen science professional monitoring schemes (Natura2000, WFD) monitoring of established species management follow-up Research Invasion mechanisms and impacts Management of biological invasions effectiveness and efficiency of management methods Draft and review risk assessment reports Perform horizon scanning exercises Write best practices Disseminate knowledge and raise awareness Organise best practice workshops Organise conferences Intensive networking

Early warning through citizen science

Follow-up and evaluation of rapid response and control measures

Research into management techniques

Facilitate knowledge exchange Conference “Science for the New Regulation” Best practice workshops RINSE: Invasive birds & mammals RINSE: managing invasive muntjak SEFINS: management of invasive plants Etc.

Networking Belgian IAS community Prepare implementation of IAS Regulation Surveillance & management follow-up International partnerships Cross-border work (Interreg) Conferences (Neobiota, EVPMC, … ) COST AlienChallenge This IAS working group