Area of interaction focus Which area of interaction will be our focus? Why have we chosen this? Environment The different environments of different countries are in some way responsible for the way the residents of that country conduct their daily lives. Significant concepts What are the big ideas? What do we want our students to retain for years into the future? The physical environment that you live in can affect the way you live your life. People from different countries spend holiday time in different ways. MYP unit question How does the climate of the country you live in affect your lifestyle? Unit title: 假期 – Holiday
LO: Talk about what activities you do on holiday 你去什么地方 ?
huá xuě 滑雪
sàn bù 散步
bó wù guǎn 博物馆
散步 博物馆 滑雪
你去什么 nǐ qù shén me Where are you going? You go to what 地方? dì fang place?
我去英国 I am going to England Yīng guó wǒ qù
我去 山区 I am going to the beach shānqū wǒ qù
我去山区滑雪 wǒqùshānqū huá xuě I am going to the mountains to go skiing Subject + Place + Verb
我去农村散步 wǒqù nóng cūnsàn bù I am going to the countryside to go walking Subject + Place + Verb
写 Write out the 3 new activities using your textbook – 第六页。 – To go for a walk, to ski/skiing, museum Write out the grammar structure below and make up at least one sentence using the new vocab. – EXT: Make up 4 sentences using the different places on page 6 and the new activities. What other activity can you think of? Subject + Place + Verb
听力 – 练习四 PersonWhereActivityWho with ?
Q. 你去什么地方? 第一个人第二个人
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