Goal Ho`oponopono Correct the imbalance Make it right 1. Reduce atmospheric CO2 levels by sequestering carbon in the form of biochar in soil 2. Become self reliant again for energy use and food production
Objective Kuleana Assume responsibility 1. Burn local biomass for energy and carbon sequestration 2. Improve agricultural sustainability by biochar carbon sequestration
Kauai “The Garden Island”
Lack of Soil Renewal in Hawai -Volcanic eruptions -Glaciation -Uplift -Loess -Vegetation
Andisols Histisols Oxisols Vertisols Tradewinds
Vertisol Oxisol Andisol
Kauai Oxisol Test Soils ParameterConditionTarget pH< P ppm7 – 20> 30 K ppm40 – 70> 250 Ca ppm 1500 Mg ppm 400
Kauai Oxisol Soils - Some of the most weathered soils in the world -Clay soil but all silicon leached - ore-level richness in iron and aluminum oxides -Very low cation exchange capacity -Fixes phosphates and nitrates -Very low pH
Photo Kauai soil road cut Calcium Silicate added
Feedstock tested: Albizzia Java Plum
Biochar Production -Barrel retort -APL char retort -Pit -Microwave catalyst
Experimental Design 1 -Control, Char 40, Fertilizer, Char 40 + Fertilizer -10 replicates Experimental Design 2 -Control, Char 5+F, Char 10+F, Char 20 +F, Char 40+F, Fertilizer -5 replicates Fertilizer application = 1.0 lb mix per 100 square foot equivalent, or 400 lbs per acre
Tomato Experiment 19 Total Reproductive Structures
Fertilizer only Char 40 + Fert
Fertilizer only Char 40 + Fert
Control Biochar + Fertilizer Fertilizer Root Development
Conclusions Based on Greenhouse Trials Using Kauai Soils -Biochar alone does not improve plant growth or reproduction., must have nutrient inputs -All biochars seem to convey the same benefits when nutrients are added -In general, increasing application rates of biochar+fert increased plant growth. -Biochar amended soils retain benefits through several plantings -Benefits of biochar were primarily seen in reproduction