TRUE OR FALSE? An advertisement for an available apartment may include a religious preference.
TRUE OR FALSE? An apartment building owner is allowed to assign families with children to one particular building.
TRUE OR FALSE? An apartment building owner can reject an applicant because he or she has poor housekeeping habits.
TRUE OR FALSE? When using a real estate agent, a family may choose to sell their house only to a White buyer.
THE FAIR HOUSING ACT Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Fair Housing Act of 1968 The purpose of the Fair Housing Act is to protect a person’s right to own, sell, purchase, or rent housing of his or her choice without fear of unlawful discrimination. The Fair Housing Act is intended to allow everyone equal access to housing.
THE FAIR HOUSING ACT Fair Housing Act prohibits discrimination regarding housing choice on the basis of: Race or color National origin Religion Sex Familial status Disability
WHAT HOUSING IS COVERED? The Fair Housing Act covers most housing. Exemptions to the Act consist of: Owner-occupied buildings with no more than 4 units Single-family housing sold or rented without the use of a broker Housing operated by organizations Private clubs that limit occupancy to members
WHAT IS PROHIBITED? When based upon one’s race, color, religion, national origin, sex, disability or familial status the following actions are prohibited under the Fair Housing Act: Refusal to rent or sell housing Refusal to negotiate housing Refusal to make housing available Setting different terms for sale or rental housing, such as different interest rates, points, fees Failure to provide information regarding loans
THE ANALYSIS OF IMPEDIMENTS In fulfilling its obligations under the Fair Housing Act, HUD requires grantees to: Conduct an Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice Take actions to overcome the effects of any impediments identified through the analysis Maintain records reflecting the analysis and actions taken
FAIR HOUSING CHOICE Fair Housing Choice is the ability of persons of similar income levels to have available to them the same housing choices regardless of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, familial status, or disability
WHAT IS AN IMPEDIMENT? Any actions, omissions, or decisions that restrict, or have the effect of restricting, the availability of housing choices, based on race, color, religion, sex, disability, familial status, or national origin.
WHAT DOES AN AI INCLUDE? Census Data American Community Survey Federal Financial Institutions Examining Council Home Mortgage Disclosure Act Data [HMDA] Fair Housing Survey Results Stakeholder Interviews & Focus Groups Public Meetings
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