My daily schedule. By. Alisha colondrea Homeroom 209
First period-Key boarding Mr.Ptaszkiewcz. 1.Cousin keys. 2.Capital shifts. 3.And the number keys
Second period-Science Mrs.Bryan. 1.Molicules 2.Family genes. 3.Compare and contrast.
Third period-Reading Mr.Erickson. 1.Open ended responses. 2.Vocabulary 3.Bell ringers
Fourth period- English Mrs.Boswell. 1.Open ended responses. 2.Pssa practice test. 3.Colon,semi colon
fifth period-Art Ms.miller 1.We are using clay. 2.Making faces. 3.Glazing.
sixth period-World History Mr.Rodrigues. 1.We have already learned about ancient Greece. 2.Black history month 3.Middle ages
Seventh period-Lunch 1.They serve things like, pizza.chicken, and burgers. And you have choices of milk.
Eighth period day A-swimming Mrs.Kress. 1.Back floats. 2.Diving 3.Feat first seat first.
Eight period day B-math workshop Mrs. Romanoff 1.Algebra 2.Percents 3.Angles
Ninth period- Math Mr.brown 1.Percents. 2.Decimals. 3.Fractions.