RespectDisrespect Walking quietly in the church Says Not talking bad about someone Says Not paying attention to teachers SAMPLE PAGE Primary 7: New Testament Lesson 8 Says Interrupting others
Says Saying please and thank you Says Walking quietly in the church Says Not talking bad about someone Says Treating your things carefully Says Sharing with others Says Giving others a chance to go first Says Waiting patiently Says Not to borrow others things without asking Says Obedience to mothers and fathers Says Listening quietly while teachers teach Says Saying please and thank you Says Walking quietly in the church Says Not talking bad about someone Says Treating your things carefully Says Sharing with others Says Giving others a chance to go first Says Waiting patiently Says Not to borrow others things without asking Says Obedience to mothers and fathers Says Listening quietly while teachers teach Says Saying please and thank you Says Walking quietly in the church Says Not talking bad about someone Says Treating your things carefully Says Sharing with others Says Giving others a chance to go first Says Waiting patiently Says Not to borrow others things without asking Says Obedience to mothers and fathers Says Listening quietly while teachers teach Says Saying please and thank you Says Walking quietly in the church Says Not talking bad about someone Says Treating your things carefully Says Sharing with others Says Giving others a chance to go first Says Waiting patiently Says Not to borrow others things without asking Says Obedience to mothers and fathers Says Listening quietly while teachers teach Says Set of 4 or write your own….Copy on Colored paper Respect page
Says Being impatient Says Poking a person in front of you Says Ignoring parents when they speak Says Destroying other’s things Says Yelling or talking loudly in church Says Interrupting others Says Demanding something to eat at home Says Not paying attention to teachers Says Disobeying parents Says Talking bad about someone Says Being impatient Says Poking a person in front of you Says Ignoring parents when they speak Says Destroying other’s things Says Yelling or talking loudly in church Says Interrupting others Says Demanding something to eat at home Says Not paying attention to teachers Says Disobeying parents Says Talking bad about someone Says Being impatient Says Poking a person in front of you Says Ignoring parents when they speak Says Destroying other’s things Says Yelling or talking loudly in church Says Interrupting others Says Demanding something to eat at home Says Not paying attention to teachers Says Disobeying parents Says Talking bad about someone Says Being impatient Says Poking a person in front of you Says Ignoring parents when they speak Says Destroying other’s things Says Yelling or talking loudly in church Says Interrupting others Says Demanding something to eat at home Says Not paying attention to teachers Says Disobeying parents Says Talking bad about someone Says Disrespect page Says Set of 4 or write your own….Copy on different colored paper