Welcome! Please be sure to sign in. Find your child’s desk. You are welcome to look through your child’s papers or the things in your child’s desk. Please write a note to your child and leave it on his/her for them to read in the morning! Thank you so much for your support!
Welcome to 5th Grade Open House! Olive B. Loss Elementary School
Meet Your Teachers
Tonight’s Agenda Our Daily Schedule Common Core/LFS Curriculum Smarter Balanced Assessment Homework Behavior-P.B.S. Delaware Comprehensive Assessment System (DCAS)
Our Daily Schedule MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday 8:45-9:50 Reading 9:55-10:40 Related Arts 10:45-11:10 Writing Math RtI Math RtI Math RtI 11:15-11:45 Lunch 11:45-12:15 Recess 12:15-1:00 Science/ Soc. Studies Science/ Soc. Studies Science/ Soc. Studies Science/ Soc. Studies Science/ Soc. Studies 1:00-1:45 Reading RtI Reading RtI Writing 1:45-2:45 Math Math 2:30-3:15 Integrated Arts 5 th Grade Math 2:45-3:15 Lit CirclesWriting 3:15-3:25 Pack-up and Dismissal Related Arts Schedule: Day 1 – Art Day 2 – P.E. Day 3 – Computers Day 4 – Music Day 5 - Spanish
Common Core Standards What are they? They were created by Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO) and the National Governors Association Center for Best Practices (NGA Center), teachers, parents, community leaders, researchers, and experts. Common Core matches up with college and work expectations, incorporates rigorous content, higher order thinking skills, previous state standards, and ensures that students will be ready to compete in the global world.
Common Core Standards Why? To clearly communicate to everyone (teachers, parents, and students) what the standards are for success. Teachers will know exactly what students should learn and provide benchmarks to achieve success. Most states have adopted Common Core to make a more unified system of standards. For more information:
LFS and Learning Maps LFS- Learning Focused Strategies Framework for developing units of learning based on the Common Core Standards Focuses planning and instruction on what we want students to KNOW, UNDERSTAND, and be able to DO at the end of each unit
Includes… Common Core Standards Expectations for Know, Understand, Do Unit Essential Question Lesson Essential Questions Vocabulary Uses… Provides outline or unit overview for teachers, students and parents Prominently displayed in classroom as guide Our unit “Road Map” LFS and Learning Maps
Here is an example of a Student Learning Map Concept: Property of Numbers Concept: Place value Strategies for Multiplication/Division Concept: Fluent Strategies for Multiplications and Division Essential Questions: How can you use your understanding of factors and multiples to simplify the process of multiplication? How do you represent the powers of ten using exponents? How do you evaluate expressions that require multiple calculations? Essential Questions: What strategies can be used to solve multiplication problems? How do you interpret remainders in the context of problems? How does my understanding of multiplication help me to solve division problems? How can you use division strategies to solve larger problems (4 digit dividends and 2 digit divisors)? How can mathematical expressions be written to represent word problems? Essential Questions: How can equivalent expressions help you to multiply and divide? How do the place value strategies you have been using compare with the US Algorithm when you multiply? How do I use my understanding of numbers to become more fluent in division? How does my understanding of multiplication and division help me to fluently solve multi-step word problems? Vocabulary: Expanded Notation Expression Vocabulary: product, algorithm, rectangular arrays/area model, quotient, dividend, divisor, exponent Vocabulary: Calculations, order of operations, expressions, number sentences, equations, How do you efficiently multiply & divide large numbers?
Language Arts Scott Foresman Comprehension Strategies Leveled Readers Decoding Strategies Handwriting Spelling Skills Common Core Infused across curriculum Mini Lessons Fluency Student Selected Reading AR
Accelerated Reader A reading program used to monitor and manage independent reading. Students are assigned a reading range and a points goal based on results from the STAR reading test. Students are expected to read books within their reading range. They will be able to take quizzes and earn points on the books they’ve read.
AR continued… All students will participate in two challenges this year. As they take tests and earn points towards their individual goals they will join various clubs and be recognized by placing their star on the banners in the main hallway. Check out our school website for more information!
Math Emphasis on problem-based investigations and conceptual learning Units of Study: Multiplication/Division Addition/Subtraction of large numbers Measurement (Data) Probability Geometry Fractions Decimals Percents Mastering basic facts is the key to success in 5th grade math!
Math con’t Math Practice Practice traditional math skills Problem Solving Learning and applying problem solving strategies Expectations Underline the facts needed to solve the problem Show the work in a manner that demonstrates understanding of the problem Write a correct answer in a complete sentence restating the question
RtI—Response To Intervention RTI is the practice of providing high-quality instruction and intervention matched to students’ needs and monitoring progress frequently to make decisions about changes in instructional strategies. Students that qualify to be part of a small RTI group must meet with a teacher for 30 minutes 5 times a week. While in small group with the teacher, students will be working on skills specific to their need. Students not working with the teacher on specific skills will be working on activities with another teacher that foster critical thinking.
Science Ecosystems Motion and Design Mixtures and Solutions In the spring students will be getting additional work packets to review content that may be covered on DCAS. They will also practice content using Study Island.
Social Studies Civics Citizens role in a democracy Bill of Rights Due Process Elections History 1850’s to present Economics Market Economy/Supply and Demand Financial Institutions International Trade links countries around the world Geography Mapping skills State locations Regions
Standardized Testing Students will be taking the MAP assessment three times per year to measure growth. Students will also be taking an end of year Science DCAS assessment Smarter Balanced will be administered at the end of the year for Reading and Math.
SMARTER BALANCED ASSESSMENT PREPARATION This test is aligned to the Common Core Standards which Appoquinimink has been using to guide instruction. To better prepare our students we are implementing more writing in the curriculum and exposing students to the format in which questions will be asked
SMARTER BALANCED SAMPLE QUESTIONS Sample questions can be found at the following website using one of the following web browsers (Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Microsoft Internet Explorer 10, or Apple Safari):
Homework According to the Appoquinimink District Homework policy, the length of homework for a fifth grader should be between one to three assignments taking approximately 45 minutes depending on the child. Homework Vocabulary/Spelling Reading Math Other assignments as needed It’s okay to assist your child with homework but the homework is his or her responsibility. Incomplete or unfinished homework will have to be completed at home. Late work will be noted in your child’s agenda. Homework can be checked on website:
Reporting Student Progress O.W.L. Binders Agendas Report cards (3 times a year) Parent-Teacher conferences will be held in November and February. Every six weeks, an academic update will be provided Weekly Progress Reports Provides information on classroom citizenship Academic difficulties will be noted as needed
Grading Scale A+= A =93-96 Exceptional A-=90-92 B+ =87-89 B =83-86Very Good B- =80-82 C+ =77-79 C =73-76Satisfactory C- =70-72 D+ =67-69 D =63-66Inconsistent D- =60-62 F =59 and belowUnsatisfactory
Behavior District Code of Conduct Positive Behavior School (PBS) WISE OWLS Class Compliments School-Wide clip chart
Meet the OBL Related Arts Team Megan Zarzycki – Library Cary Fentzloff – Art Christine Hadfield - Music Barb Bobik – Physical Education Laura Levine – Computers Pam Broomall – 3 rd Grade S.S.S. Barb Elder – Band Miriam Roman – Spanish Visit our websites for more information about our classes!
Contact Information Ms Sue Howton 200 Brennan Boulevard Bear, DE (Name will change to Howton by the end of next week.) is the best and quickest way to reach me.
If you have any questions, feel free to any questions you may have. Thank you for coming!