doc.: IEEE /1000r1 Submission Aug 2013 Simone Merlin (Qualcomm)Slide 1 Simulation Scenarios Date: Authors:
doc.: IEEE /1000r1 Submission Summary Simulation Scenarios definition –Proposed definition –Proposed template description format Discussion on the set of scenarios –Summary of IEEE discussion so far –Proposal for identifying a minimum set of simulation scenarios Aug 2013 Slide 2Simone Merlin (Qualcomm)
doc.: IEEE /1000r1 Submission Definition of “Simulation Scenario” A simulation scenario is defined by –Topology: AP/STAs positions, obstructions, layout, propagation model –Traffic model 1.STA - AP traffic 2.P2P traffic (tethering, Soft-APs, TDLS) 3.‘Idle’ devices (generating management traffic such as probes/beacons) –List of PHY, MAC, Management parameters We may want to fix the value of some parameters to limit the degrees of freedom, and for calibration –An interfering scenario (its performance may not be tracked) Not managed or managed by a different entity than the one of the main scenario Defined by its own topology, traffic model and parameters The group should adopt a common way to describe a scenario –See a tentative template in document 11-13/1001r0 Aug 2013 Slide 3 Simone Merlin (Qualcomm)
doc.: IEEE /1000r1 Submission Definition of “Simulation Scenario” The purpose of a simulation scenario is not to exactly simulate a usage model, but rather to capture the key characteristics of that usage model, relevant for testing the effectiveness of new HEW solutions –There may be multiple usage models mapped to a same simulation scenario –We should define a preferably reduced number of simulation scenarios that cover most of the usage models It is useful to limit the number of simulation scenarios to a minimum set that represents the most important challenges for HEW –Avoids to have up to 18 scenarios (one per usage model) –Helps to better identify the goals for HEW –Facilitates comparison Aug 2013 Slide 4Simone Merlin (Qualcomm)
doc.: IEEE /1000r1 Submission Current Status and Goals Several presentations at previous meetings proposed simulation scenarios –see References, appendix and next slides Multiple of the proposed scenarios targeted a same usage model, but had different topology/setup In the next slides we try to –Classify the proposed simulation scenarios, identify the commonalities and come up with a minimum representative set –Define the next steps Aug 2013 Slide 5Simone Merlin (Qualcomm)
doc.: IEEE /1000r1 Submission Current Status – Classification Presentation [1-13] classified the simulation scenarios mainly based on –Topology: Density of STA, Density of APs –Management Infrastructure APs belonging to same management domain (e.g. same operator) –P2P traffic included in the scenario may not be managed –Interference from overlapping networks is not managed Or, each AP belong to different management domain (e.g. in a apartment building) –Propagation: Indoor only, Outdoor only, Mixed –Homogeneity All APs with similar coverage (flat) APs with significantly different coverage and overlapped (hierarchical) –Traffic models were not well specified per each scenario Tentatively 3 representative traffic profiles are named as ‘Home’, ‘Enterprise’, ‘Mobile’ an associated to the scenarios based on reasonable guesses The goal is just to point our which scenarios may use a similar traffic model, not to define the traffic model In the next slides we classify the scenarios based on above criteria and tag them with a new name, giving a same name to scenarios that are similar Aug 2013 Slide 6 Simone Merlin (Qualcomm)
doc.: IEEE /1000r1 Submission Current Status – Classification Aug 2013 Slide 7 Document Scenario nameAP distance STA density ManagementPropagationHomogeneityTraffic profile [tentative] Possible Common Scenario #723 (Intel) July Residential10m5/APNot managedIndoorFlatHomeResidential Wireless Office20m250/APManagedIndoorFlatEnterprise Stadium10m100/APManagedOutdoor Indoor FlatMobileOutdoor Hotspot Enterprise Hotspot15-200m30/APManagedOutdoor Indoor FlatMobileOutdoor Hotspot Outdoor Large BSS Indoor Hotspot #542 (Qualcom m)May Residential1/apt Several/AP Not Managed IndoorFlatHomeResidential EnterpriseHigh Several/AP ManagedIndoorFlatEnterprise OutdoorHigh Several/AP ManagedOutdoorFlatMobileOutdoor Hotspot #757 July, #486 May (Broadcom ) Outdoor only m 100/APManagedOutdoorFlatMobileOutdoor Large BSS Outdoor + Indoor m 100/APManagedOutdoor + Indoor HierarchicalMobile + Home Outdoor Large BSS + Residential Dense, Planned15-30mNManagedIndoorFlatEnterprise Dense, UnPlanned 10mNNot Managed IndoorFlatHomeResidential Continues.. Simone Merlin (Qualcomm)
doc.: IEEE /1000r1 Submission Current Status – Classification Documen t Scenario nameAPs distance STAs density ManagementPropagationHomogeneityTraffic profile [tentative] Possible Common Scenario #847 July Nokia Residential10m5/APNot managedInfoorFlatHomeResidential #786 July Huawei High density of APs and STAs 20m100/AP?IndoorFlatEnterprise?Enterprise High density of STAs 50m100/AP?IndoorFlatEnterprise? High density of APs 10m2/AP?IndoorFlatHomeResidential Outdoor (AP co- site with small cell) 5040/APManagedOutdoorHierarchicalMobileOutdoor Large BSS + Outdoor Hotspot #869 July Orange Hotspot / Managed ESS HighManagedIndoor Outdoor FlatMobileOutdoor/Indoor Hotspot ResidentialUnmanagedIndoorFlatHomeResidential Office / SchoolManagedIndoorFlatEnterprise Aug 2013 Slide 8.. continued Simone Merlin (Qualcomm)
doc.: IEEE /1000r1 Submission Proposed Unified Set of Scenarios The following table summarizes the identified common scenarios Effectively, we can define just 3 distinct topologies, and 3 traffic profiles Scenarios 2a,2b,and 2c to share exactly same topology, only difference in channel/ traffic –Can we merge/eliminate some of them? Suggest to merge 3b and 3c Aug 2013 Slide 9Simone Merlin (Qualcomm) Scenario NameTopologyManagementChannel ModelHomogeneity~Traffic Model 1 Residential A (Apartment Bldg) UnmanagedIndoorFlatHome 2a Enterprise B (Dense small BSSs) Managed Indoor Flat Enterprise 2b Indoor HotspotMobile 2c Outdoor HotspotOutdoorMobile 3a Outdoor Large BSS C (Large BSSs) Managed Outdoor FlatMobile 3b Outdoor Large BSS + Residential C+A Managed+ Unmanaged HierarchicalMobile + Home 3c Outdoor Large BSS + Outdoor Hotspot C+B Managed HierarchicalMobile
doc.: IEEE /1000r1 Submission Scenarios and Usage models The next slide attempts a mapping between the scenarios and the usage models –For some usage models there was not enough information to make a correct determination Aug 2013 Slide 10Simone Merlin (Qualcomm)
doc.: IEEE /1000r1 Submission sd Aug 2013 Slide 11 Usage Model AP densitySTA densityManagementPropagationHomogeneity Traffic [tentative] Mapping 1 high density of APs and high density of STAs per AP aStadium 12-20m~50/APManagedOutdoor/IndoorFlatMobileOutdoor/Indoor Hotspot bairport/train stations 15-20m120/APManagedOutdoor?FlatMobileOutdoor Hotspot cexhibition hall 5-10m100/APManagedIndoorFlatMobile/Ente rprise Enterprise or Indoor Hotspot dshopping malls ~High ManagedIndoorFlatMobileIndoor Hotspot eE-Education ~1/class?~40-60/APManagedIndoorFlatEnterprise f Multi-media Mesh backhaul m?1-10/APManagedIndoor/Outdoor ? ?Enterprise? 2 high density of STAs – Indoor adense wireless office <50m20-30/APManagedIndoorFlatEnterprise bpublic transportation ?HighManagedIndoorFlatMobile? clecture hall < 200mHighManagedIndoorFlatEnterprise? d Manufacturing Floor Automation 50m250/APManagedIndoorFlat?Enterprise? 3 high density of APs (low/medium density of STAs per AP) – Indoor adense apartment building 10m5/APUnmanagedIndoorFlatHomeResidential bCommunity Wi-Fi (20/channel ) LowUnmanagedIndoor/outdoorFlatHome + Mobile Outdoor Large BSS+ Residential 4 high density of APs and high density of STAs per AP – Outdoor aSuper dense urban Street 10-20m /APManagedOutdoorFlatMobileOutdoor Hotspot bPico-cell street deployment mHighManagedOutdoorFlatMobileOutdoor Large BSS c Macro-cell street deployment (High) ManagedOutdoor/IndoorHierarchicalOutdoor Large BSS + Outdoor Hotspots 5 Throughput- demanding applications a surgery/health care (similar to 2e from 11ac) lowLowManagedIndoorFlat? b production in stadium (similar to 1d-1e from 11ac) Low3/APManagedOutdoorFlat? csmart car 1 AP?5/APManagedIndoor ?Flat? Simone Merlin (Qualcomm) Slide 11
doc.: IEEE /1000r1 Submission Proposed Unified Set of Scenarios The identified scenarios in slide 9 cover most of the challenging usage models that will put HEW solutions to a test Would the group agree to adopt these scenarios as a baseline set? –i.e. these scenarios to be used for proving effectiveness of HEW solutions If yes, we need to define each of them in details –Call for submissions following the template in 11-13/1001r0 Some usage models seem not covered by the baseline scenarios –Do we need more scenarios? Aug 2013 Slide 12Simone Merlin (Qualcomm)
doc.: IEEE /1000r1 Submission Conclusion Defined what a Simulation Scenario is Identified a baseline set of simulation scenarios from earlier IEEE presentations –The scenarios seem representative of most of the key aspects to be investigated in HEW and cover most of the usage models Do we agree to use these scenarios as a reference set? –i.e. these scenarios are used for proving effectiveness of HEW solutions Call for submissions for refining scenarios description –Following the proposed template in 11-13/1001r0 Some usage models are still not mapped to a simulation scenario –Do we need more scenarios? Aug 2013 Slide 13Simone Merlin (Qualcomm)
doc.: IEEE /1000r1 Submission Straw poll Do you agree to use the document 11-13/1001r1 as a template for the Simulation Scenarios Document? Aug 2013 Slide 14Simone Merlin (Qualcomm)
doc.: IEEE /1000r1 Submission Straw poll Do you agree with the definition of the initial set of simulation scenarios as in the table on slide 9? Aug 2013 Slide 15Simone Merlin (Qualcomm)
doc.: IEEE /1000r1 Submission References May /486, “Evaluation methodology and simulation scenarios” Ron Porat (Broadcom) /520r1, HEW Scenarios and Evaluation Metrics, Thomas Derham (Orange) /538 “Dense apartment building use case for HEW”, Klaus Doppler (Nokia) / 542 “Discussion on scenarios and goals for HEW”, Simone Merlin (Qualcomm) July /0722, “HEW Evaluation Methodology”, Minyoung Park (Intel) /0723, “HEW SG evaluation methodology overview” Minyoung Park (Intel) /757, “Evaluation methodology and simulation scenarios” Ron Porat (Broadcom) /0786, “HEW SLS methodology”, Tianyu Wu (Huawei) /0795, “Usage scenarios categorization”, Eldad Perahia (Intel) /0800, “HEW Study Group Documentation”, Hemanth Sampath (Qualcomm) /0802, “Proposed re-categorization of HEW usage Models”, Yasuhiko Inoue (NTT) /0847, “Evaluation Criteria and Simulation Scenarios”, Klaus Doppler (Nokia) /869r0, Simulation scenarios and metrics for HEW, Thomas Derham (Orange Aug 2013 Slide 16Simone Merlin (Qualcomm)