I Quit
What Want Expect Afraid Important
What do you want? Goals Johnny Wiesmeler Why ? Maslow
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Survival Needs Biological Needs Shelter Self Esteem Self Actualization Social Needs
What do you Want? You get everything you want to the degree you help others get what they want… Zig Ziglar You reap what you sow… 2 Cor 9:6 The World’s Greatest Oxymoron
I Quit What Want Expect Afraid Important
What do you Expect? 80% Intelligence Gannett 3 laws
The Three Laws - ABC A The law of Averages B The law of Balance C The law of Choice
It’s a Choice E = event R = response O = outcome ___________
How can you tell … If someone has…attitude Enthusiasm What if you don’t have it… ________
What do you Expect? Earl Nightengale We become that which we think about the most…. As a man thinketh in his heart so he becomes.. Prov 23:7
I Quit What Want Expect Afraid Important
What are you Afraid of? Fear Rocking Chair 1984 Bullet Man plans….
I Quit What Want Expect Afraid Important
What’s Important