Buatc Biouv Ziouc Hiuv Duqv Ndiangx Lugaa 6:43-45 – Luke 6:43-45.


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Presentation transcript:

Buatc Biouv Ziouc Hiuv Duqv Ndiangx Lugaa 6:43-45 – Luke 6:43-45

43 Ndiangx longx maiv ziangh maiv benx nyei biouv. Maiv benx nyei ndiangx yaac maiv ziangh longx nyei biouv. 43"No good tree bears bad fruit, nor does a bad tree bear good fruit.

44 Buatc biouv ziouc hiuv duqv biouv- ndiangx se haaix nyungc ndiangx. Mienh maiv mingh ndiangx-njimv gaeqv ngongh nyorx biouv, yaac Maiv mingh njimv-mbiorqc gaeqv a'ngunc biouv. :44 Each tree is recognized by its own fruit. People do not pick figs from thornbushes, or grapes from briers.

45 Kuv mienh nyei hnyouv siou longx nyei ga'naaiv, zorqv cuotv daaih nyei yaac longx. Waaic nyei mienh nyei hnyouv siou waaic nyei ga'naaiv, zorqv cuotv daaih nyei yaac waaic. Hnyouv zaangh buangv haaix nyungc, nzuih baengx ziouc gorngv cuotv wuov nyungc. 45 The good man brings good things out of the good stored up in his heart, and the evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in his heart. For out of the overflow of his heart his mouth speaks.

Biux Mengh Waac Introduction 1. Mbuo hnangv haaix nor zieqv ndiangx? How do we recognize the tree? 2. Mbuo hnangv haaix nor zieqv biouv? How do we recognize the fruits? 3. Mbuo hnangv haaix nor zieqv ga’naaiv? How do we recognize things? 4. Mbuo hnangv haaix nor zieqv saeng-kuv caux hieh zoih? How do we recognize domestic animals and wild animals? 5. Mbuo hnangv haaix nor zieqv mienh? How do we recognize people?

Buatc biouv ziouc hiuv duqv ndiangx When you see fruit you know the tree

Zuoqc fai nyiemz, siang fai loz

Ndiangx-Biqv (Barren Trees)

Domh Ndiangx

I. Zaah Ging-sou nyei Waac – Lugaa 6:43-45 To observe the Bible Word (Luke 6:43-45) 1. Kuv mienh nyei hnyouv siou. Longx nyei ga'naaiv. Zorqv cuotv daaih nyei yaac longx. The good man brings good things out of the good stored up in his heart.

2. Orqv nyei mienh nyei hnyouv siou waaic nyei ga'naaiv, zorqv cuotv daaih nyei yaac waaic. The evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in his heart. 3. Hnyouv zaangh buangv haaix nyungc, nzuih baengx ziouc gorngv cuotv wuov Nyungc aqv. For out of the overflow of his heart his mouth speaks.

II. Nyungc Zeiv – Examples 1. Mbuo dapv haaix nyungc mbuoqc, zorqv cuotv daaih ziouc dongh wuov. Whatever we put in the bag, when take out is that. 2. Mbuo zouv haaix nyungc lai-hnaangx, mbuo ziouc duqv wuov nyungc nyanc. Whatever we cook, we get that food to eat.

1. Mbuo zuangx haaix nyungc ziouc duqv siou duqv wuov nyungc. Whatever we sow we will reap that crop (Galatians 6:7-8) 2. Mbuo gomv haaix nyungc biauv, mbuo ziouc duqv yiem wuov nyungc biauv. Whatever we built, we will live in that House (Matthew 7:24-27) 3. Mbuo mauv haaix nyungc ziouc liepc hnyouv zoux wuov nyungc. Whatever our heart desire, our heart mind will focus on that thing.

III. Hnyouv Biux Mengh M’nqorngv Famv Hnamv Nyei Jauv. The Heart Reflects the Mind 1. Meih nyei fiem-fingx juoqc setv bun mienh hnangv haaix nor, se biux mengh meih nyei fiem-fingx juoqc setv caux Tin-Hungh hnangv wuov nor. Your ATTITUDE toward others determines your ALTITUDE with God. 2. Meih sienx maengc maaih jaax-zinh se biux mengh yiem zoux nyei sic. Your BELIEF about the values of life is revealed in your BEHAVIORS.

3. Meih hnangv haaix nor biux mengh Yesu Giduc caux ganh dauh mienh, se biux mengh meih nyei maengc hingh fai suei. Your VIEW of Jesus Christ and other beings determine your VICTORIOUS or VICTIMIZED life style. 4. Meih nyei eix caux meih yangh nyei jauv yiem naaiv norm baamh gen oix biux mengh yiem Tin-Hungh nza’hmien. Your WILL before God reveals the WAY you Walk your life in this World.

5. Mienh zoux nyei yietc zungv ziux ganh nyei m'zing mangc se cing-nzengc nyei, mv baac Z IOUV zaah mangc hnyouv. 3 Oix zuqc zorqv meih zoux nyei nyungc-nyungc jiu bun Z IOUV, meih daav nyei za'eix ziouc liepc duqv jiez (Congh Mengh Waac 16:2-3) To man belong the plans of the heart, but from the LORD comes the reply of the tongue. 2 All a man's ways seem innocent to him, but motives are weighed by the LORD. 3 Commit to the LORD whatever you do, and your plans will succeed. 4 The LORD works out everything for his own ends— even the wicked for a day of disaster. (Proverbs 16:1-3)

6. “Da’faanh hnyouv maux nyei mienh Ziouv youx haic, oix zuqc hiuv dingc, ninh zungv biaux maiv ndutv, oix zuqc dingc zuiz. 6 Mienh ziepc zuoqv gan longx Tin-Hungh ziouc duqv zuiz guangc liuz, mienh taaih Z IOUV ziouc duqv simv nqoi orqv sic. 7 Se gorngv mienh zoux nyei jauv bun Z IOUV a'hneiv, Z IOUV yaac bun wuov dauh nyei win-wangv caux ninh horpc. (Cong-Mengh Waac 16:5-7) 5 The LORD detests all the proud of heart. Be sure of this: They will not go unpunished. 6 Through love and faithfulness sin is atoned for; through the fear of the LORD a man avoids evil. 7 When a man's ways are pleasing to the LORD, he makes even his enemies live at peace with him. (Proverbs 16:5-7)

Setv-Mueiz Waac - Conclusion 43 "Ndiangx longx maiv ziangh maiv benx nyei biouv. Maiv benx nyei ndiangx yaac maiv ziangh longx nyei biouv. 43"No good tree bears bad fruit, nor does a bad tree bear good fruit.

44 Buatc biouv ziouc hiuv duqv biouv- ndiangx se haaix nyungc ndiangx. Mienh maiv mingh ndiangx-njimv gaeqv ngongh nyorx biouv, yaac maiv mingh njimv-mbiorqc gaeqv a'ngunc biouv. 44Each tree is recognized by its own fruit. People do not pick figs from thornbushes, or grapes from briers.

45 Kuv mienh nyei hnyouv siou longx nyei ga'naaiv, zorqv cuotv daaih nyei se longx nyei. Mienh waaic mienh nyei hnyouv siou waaic nyei ga'naaiv, zorqv cuotv daaih se waaic nyei. Hnyouv zaangh buangv haaix nyungc, nzuih ziouc gorngv cuotv wuov nyungc. 45 The good man brings good things out of the good stored up in his heart, and the evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in his heart. For out of the overflow of his heart his mouth speaks.