Internet2 Spring Meeting NSF Middleware Initiative Purpose To design, develop, deploy and support a set of reusable, expandable set of middleware functions and services that benefit applications in a networked environment
Internet2 Spring Meeting NMI Organization –GRIDS Center ISI, NCSA, U Chicago, UCSD & U Wisconsin –EDIT Team (Enterprise and Desktop Integration Technologies) EDUCAUSE, Internet2 & SURA Core NMI Team Grants for R & D –Year grants –Year grants (in process)
Internet2 Spring Meeting A Vision for Middleware To allow scientists and engineers the ability to transparently use and share distributed resources, such as computers, data, and instruments To develop effective collaboration and communications tools such as Grid technologies, desktop video, and other advanced services to expedite research and education, and To develop a working architecture and approach which can be extended to Internet users around the world. Middleware is the stuff that makes “transparently use” happen, providing persistency, consistency, security, privacy and capability
Internet2 Spring Meeting NMI Goals a) facilitate scientific productivity, b) increase research collaboration through shared data, computing, code, facilities and applications, c) support the education enterprise, d) encourage the participation of industry, government labs and agencies for more extensive development and wider adoption and deployment, e) establish a level of persistence and availability so that other applications developers and disciplines can take advantage of the middleware, f) encourage and support the development of standards and open source approaches and, g) enable scaling and sustainability to support the larger research and education communities.
Internet2 Spring Meeting NMI Process Experimental Software & research applications Middleware deployment Consensus - disciplines - communities - industries Early Implementations - GRID services, directories, authentication, etc MiddlewareTestbeds - experimental, Beta, scaling & “hardening” Early Adopters Dissemination & Support Research & Education
Internet2 Spring Meeting First Deliverables: NMI Release 1 Software – (Globus, Condor, Network Weather Service, KX.509, CPM, Pubcookie) Object Classes –(eduPerson, eduOrg, commObject) White Papers (Shibboleth, video directories, etc) Best Practices (Directories, LDAP) Policies (campus certificates, account management) Services - certificate profile registry
Internet2 Spring Meeting Software Release Globus - toolkit enabling Grid computing, coordinated resource sharing and problem solving in multi-institutional virtual organizations Condor-G: provides high throughput computing on distributed workstations Network Weather Service - monitors and forecasts network performance KX.509 & KCA - provides a bridge between security infrastructures using Kerberos and PKI CMP - Certificate Profile Maker which makes certificate profiles in XML formats Pubcookie - authenticates web-based services across multiple servers
Internet2 Spring Meeting Other Deliverables eduPerson - enterprise directory eduOrg - institutional attributes, account management policies, security, etc commObject - a generic superclass to support video conferencing or IP Telephony Shibboleth - inter-institutional sharing of resources with access control LDAP Recipe - common directory development with Higher Education Practices in Directory Groups - experiments with authorization application Meta-directory models and more......
Internet2 Spring Meeting 2nd Year Program of NMI Program Announcement March 1, 2002 Proposals deadline Received 2 ½ times more proposals than last year 9 Grants pending for FY’02 $7M available for FY’03 Next program due date is March 3, 2003
Internet2 Spring Meeting Major Grid projects and efforts GriPhyN – Grid Physics Network TeraGrid – Distributed Terascale Facility iVDGL – International Virtual Data Grid Laboratory BIRN - Biomedical Informatics Research Network NEES – Network for Earthquake Engineering Simulation AstroGrid - UK Virtual Astronomy DOE Science Grid (SciDAC) NASA Information Power Grid PPDG - Particle Physics Data Grid DATATAG Trans-Atlantic Grid Testbed
Internet2 Spring Meeting More Projects/efforts NorduGrid - Norway science Grid Nauka Grid - Russia science Grid APGrid - Asia Pacific Grid India I-Grid Dutch Grid ALMA - Atacama Large Millimeter Array LHC Computing Grid - Large Hadron Collider LIGO - Laser Inteferometer Gravitional Observatory NEON - National Ecological Observatory Network SDSS - Sloan Digital Sky Survey National Fusion Grid Global Grid Forum
Internet2 Spring Meeting MAGIC ( Middleware And Grid Infrastructure Coordination) Coordinates Interagency Grid and Middleware efforts –DOE, NASA, NIH, NSF, NIST, NOAA, DARPA Enhances and encourages interoperable Grid and Middleware domains Promotes usable, widely deployed middleware tools and services Provides a Federal voice for effective international coordination of Grid and Middleware Technologies
Internet2 Spring Meeting Magic Status Established by LSN in February, 2002 Monthly meetings Includes Members from industry Persistence and support of middleware identified as a critical immediate need Heighten awareness of Open Source licensing among federal agencies Conduct a workshop in August to develop a roadmap for middleware and the need for Federal investment