zGroup members Absar Hussain Usmani sp (ldr) Umar Farooq f Jawad Irfan f Hassan ali f
What is leadership? Leading people Influencing people Commanding people Guiding people
Types of Leaders zLeader by the position achieved zLeader by personality, charisma zLeader by moral example zLeader by power held zIntellectual leader zLeader because of ability to accomplish things
zWhat characteristics or traits make a person a leader? zGreat Man Theory: Individuals are born either with or without the necessary traits for leadership zTrait theories of leadership sought personality, social, physical or intellectual traits that differentiate leaders from non leaders zTrait view has little analytical or predictive value zTechnical, conceptual and human skills (Katz 1974)
zOhio state studies: initiating structure (task or goal orientation) vs consideration (recognition of individual needs and relationships) zUniversity of Michigan studies: Employee oriented ( genuine concern for people) vs production oriented genuine concern for task)
Manager Characteristics zAdministers zA copy zMaintains zFocuses onManagers Vs Leaders systems and structures zRelies on control zShort range view zAsks how and when zEye on bottom line zImitates zAccepts the status quo zClassic good soldiers zDoes things right zLeader Characteristics Innovates An original Develops Focuses on people Inspires trust Long range perspective Asks what and why Eye on horizon Originates Challenges the status quo Own person Does the right thing
Common Activities zPlanning zOrganizing zDirecting zControlling
Planning Manager zPlanning zBudgeting zSets targets zEstablishes detailed steps zAllocates resources Leader z Devises strategy z Sets direction z Creates vision
Organizing Manager zCreates structure zJob descriptions zStaffing zHierarchy zDelegates zTraining Leader z Gets people on board for strategy z Communication z Networks
Directing Work Manager zSolves problems zNegotiates zBrings to consensus Leader z Empowers people z Cheerleader
Controlling Manager zImplements control systems z Performance measures zIdentifies variances zFixes variances Leader z Motivate z Inspire z Gives sense of accomplishment
Leadership Styles
zDelegating yLow relationship/ low task yResponsibility yWilling employees zParticipating yHigh relationship/ low task yFacilitate decisions z Selling yHigh task/high relationship yExplain decisions z Telling yHigh Task/Low relationship yProvide instruction yClosely supervise
New Leaders Take Note zGeneral Advice yTake advantage of the transition period yGet advice and counsel yShow empathy to predecessor yLearn leadership z Challenges yNeed knowledge quickly yEstablish new relationships yExpectations yPersonal equilibrium
New Leader Traps zNot learning quickly zIsolation zKnow-it-all zKeeping existing team zTaking on too much z Captured by wrong people z Successor syndrome
Seven Basic Principles zHave two to three years to make measurable financial and cultural progress zCome in knowing current strategy, goals, and challenges. Form hypothesis on operating priorities zBalance intense focus on priorities with flexibility on implementation
Seven Basic Principles, con’t zDecide about new organization architecture zBuild personal credibility and momentum zEarn right to transform entity zRemember there is no “one” way to manage a transition
Core Tasks zCreate Momentum zManage oneself
Create Momentum z Foundation for change yVision of how the organization will look yBuild political base to support change yModify culture to fit vision zLearn and know about company zSecuring early wins yFirst set short term goals yWhen achieved make a big deal yShould fit long term strategy
Manage Oneself zBe self-aware zDefine your leadership style zGet advice and counsel yAdvice is from expert to leader yCounsel is insight z Types of help yTechnical yPolitical yPersonal z Advisor traits yCompetent y Trustworthy
General Leadership Cycle zCommon to all leadership styles is a process yVaries according to style, each has consistent process PLAN DELEGATE FOLLOW UP RECOGNIZE
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