Bromley Learning Disability Partnership Board Clinical Commissioning Groups Andrew Royle
Bromley Learning Disability Partnership Board Clinical Commissioning groups (CCGs) are groups of family doctors and other health professionals CCGs will be taking over the commissioning (buying) of health services from April 2013.
Bromley Learning Disability Partnership Board CCGs should know about how many people with learning disabilities there are locally – and what their needs are. This information should be in something called a Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA).
Bromley Learning Disability Partnership Board CCGs will not commission primary care but there are things they can do to make things better: Have someone responsible for good services for people with learning disabilities; Make reasonable adjustments.
Bromley Learning Disability Partnership Board People with learning disabilities and family carers can talk to Healthwatch about what they want. Healthwatch can tell Health and Wellbeing Boards about what people want so services can be planned better. People with learning disabilities and family carers can also be part of Patient Participation groups in GP practices.
Bromley Learning Disability Partnership Board For Guidance Easy read guidance Presentation Easy read presentation
Bromley Learning Disability Partnership Board Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCG) CCGs will be taking over the commissioning (buying) of health services from April CCGs will not commission primary care but there are things they can do to make things better People with learning disabilities and family carers can talk to Healthwatch about what they want. One Page Brief