07/24/07 Francisco Carrion OPTIMIZING THE TRACK DETECTOR Francisco Javier Carrión Ruiz Mentor: Hans Wenzel 07/08/09 SID CONCEPT FOR THE INTERNATIONAL LINEAR COLLIDER
Outline The ILC Project SiD detector (one detector concept (of 4) for the ILC) Look at the environment at the ILC What are the consequences for the track detector Tracker Needs to be optimized Conclusion
International Linear Collider The objective is to do precision measurements of: Higgs boson properties Gauge boson scattering Effects resulting from the existence of extra dimensions Supersymmetric particles Top quark properties
International Linear Colider
Consequences of Highly Focused and Very Intense Beam Beamstrahlung as the beams are focused, similar to synchrotron radiation Beam-beam interaction produces a large number of low energy photons (~MeV) and electron-positron pairs
SiD detector concept
SiD detector 5 tracker barrels 5 tracker end caps 5 vertex barrels 4 vertex end caps Not optimized yet
Monte Carlo Simulation Event generation Physics event Pythia; electron-positron annihilate into a virtual Z boson, which decays into two jets. Beam-Beam events; GUINEA PIG Detector simulation with GEANT4 based SLIC Analysis with Java and Netbeans
Signal Event Z-X Orientation Energy: 90 GeV
Signal Event X-Y Orientation
Tracker End Cap Hit Distribution Position (mm) 1000 events Z = 27.1 cm
Occupancy in % for 1 mm at inner radius # of events % Radial Segmentation Z = 27.1 cm
Beam-Beam interactions The beams interact before getting to the collision point 3 main processes: Breit-Wheeler Bethe-Heitler Landau-Lifshiftz Simulated with GUINEA-PIG (Generator of Unwanted Interactions for Numerical Experiment Analysis—Program Interfaced to GEANT)
Beam-Beam interaction Full simulation with SLIC ~ 100,000 e + e -
Beam-Beam interaction Full simulation with SLIC
Hit Distribution Position (mm) Z = 27.1 cm
Radial Density 0.03 Hits/mm 2 Radius (mm) Z = 62.1 cm
One Proposal
Fast Simulation Previously was done with full simulation, which is very CPU intensive Many things can be learned from fast simulation. In the following are some results from the output of the GUINEA PIG generator (position and momentum vectors of particles)
P t vs P z P t (GeV) P z (GeV) P t = P z 0.42
Fast Simulation Z (m) R (m)
Fast Simulation Two type of detector Barrel type with 2 parameters; radius and length Disk type with 3 parameters; Z position, inner radius and outer radius Get the particle flux through the detector Will give us quick analysis
Fast Simulation Z (cm) R (cm)
Conclusions Learned about the environment at the ILC interaction region Criterion to decide the detector's placement, granularity/segmentation of readout, etc Input for further detailed studies
Thanks To Jean, Roger, Eric, Harry, Carol and everyone involved in the program for the experience To my mentor for all his help and guidance To all you for your friendship and the time we spent together Above all to God for giving me this opportunity