September 23, 2003JEMH van Bronswijk TU/e1 Technology Legislature & Impact Background for Assignment 1 & 2
September 23, 2003JEMH van Bronswijk TU/e2 Source:
September 23, 2003JEMH van Bronswijk TU/e3 User Orientation -Well being -Health -Safety -Security -Independence -Success and Growth -Other Aspirations
September 23, 2003JEMH van Bronswijk TU/e4 Building Legislature Building CodeBuilding Code OSH (Occupational Safety & Health) LegislatureOSH (Occupational Safety & Health) Legislature Copyright, Intellectual Property RightsCopyright, Intellectual Property Rights What to do when legal issues on Health & Comfort seem to clash?
September 23, 2003JEMH van Bronswijk TU/e5 Comparing Relevant Legislations ThemeBuilding CodeOSH LegislationIntellectual Property ObjectNew and existing buildingsNew and existing working environments Works of Art & Ingenuity AimImplementing minimal safety, health & usefulness Guarantee optimal OSH conditions Protecting Individual Rights Types of Standards Performance requirementsOSH Conditions Optimization Principle of Uniqueness Compliance Responsibility Commissioner, OwnerEmployerEach individual National Responsibility Department of HousingDepartment of HealthCivil Jurisdiction InspectorateLocal: Fire Department, Building Inspectorate before building National: OSH Inspectorate after building is completed Individual: Owner of Intellectual Property Right after breach of rights
September 23, 2003JEMH van Bronswijk TU/e6 Technology Application Domains ‘Medical’ Health & Self-Esteem Housing & Daily Living Mobility & Transport Communication & Governance Work & Leisure Source: JEMH van Bronswijk, H Bouma, JL Fozard Technology and Quality of Life: an enriched texonomy. Gerontechnology 2(2):
September 23, 2003JEMH van Bronswijk TU/e7 Technology Impact on Health Enhancement & Satisfaction Prevention & Engagement Compensation & Assistance Care Support & Organisation Source: JEMH van Bronswijk, H Bouma, JL Fozard Technology and Quality of Life: an enriched texonomy. Gerontechnology 2(2):
September 23, 2003JEMH van Bronswijk TU/e8 1.Building, Building Services, Urban Planning 2.Furnishing and Maintenance 3.Hereditary Factors, Physical and Mental Fitness, Vaccinations, Healthy Nutrition 3 Barriers against Disease
September 23, 2003JEMH van Bronswijk TU/e9 Top-10 Diseases The Netherlands 1994 Partly caused by built environmentAssistance by built environment
September 23, 2003JEMH van Bronswijk TU/e10 Prevention & Assistance INDOOR AIR Atopic Dermatitis; Asthma & COPD; Lung Cancer WATER SUPPLY Gastro-intestinal Tract Infection; Pneumonia FINISHING & FURNISHING MATERIALS Contact Dermatitis INDOOR & OUTDOOR SPACES Accidents; Anxiety Disorder; Osteoporosis; Upper-airway Infections / Influenza COMMUNICATION Hearing Disorder; Anxiety Disorder STIMULATING FITTING PHYSICAL ACTIVITY Arthrosis of Limbs; Back problems; Depression
September 23, 2003JEMH van Bronswijk TU/e11
September 23, 2003JEMH van Bronswijk TU/e12