A metal cable is used through the top of the net, the R1 declares it… legal because it is above the 5 ½ feet required to be padded. illegal and must be covered. illegal and must be padded When a metal cable is used through the top or bottom of the net, it must be covered. Padded with foam rubber is legal, although not preferred.
The R1 determines that the referee’s platform is unsafe and host management provides a ladder instead. The R1 should… Use the ladder. Suspend the match until a safe platform is provided. Officiate from the floor It is the responsibility of the host school to provide a quality referee's platform so the officials may perform their responsibilities. If the concern is not resolved, the match shall be played. The first referee may officiate from the floor.
During warm-ups, the referees see a player wearing this headband… Legal Illegal A headband must be made of soft material.
9.5.7 A player may touch the floor across the center line with one or both feet/hands provided a part of the foot/feet or hand(s) remains on or above the center line. Contacting the floor across the center line with any other part of the body is illegal. Team S player’s arm is partially across the center line; Team R player’s hand is partially across the center line and on top of opponent’s arm, neither player is able to play the ball. Replay. Point and Serve Team R. Point and Serve Team S.
Team S fourth team contact is a lift, the R1 should signal… 4 hitsDownLift Four hits. Because Team S used all three hits, Team R must be allowed to touch the ball before Team S.
Following the third hit by Team S, opposing players contact the ball simultaneously (joust) as it breaks the plane of the net. Play Continues. Point and Serve Team R. Replay Situation C RULING: 4 hits by Team S. COMMENT: Because Team S used all three hits, Team R must be allowed to touch the ball before Team S.
Team S 1 st contact hits the ceiling, opposing players then contact the ball simultaneously (joust) as it breaks the plane of the net. Replay. Point and Serve Team R. Point and Serve Team S A ball striking the ceiling above a playable area remains in play provided the ball is legally played next by the same team A live ball becomes dead when the ball contacts the ceiling or an overhead obstruction and is not legally played next by the offending team.
Varsity team arrives with only 5 players, what is the minimum number of minutes after the start time before the match could be declared a forfeit? Team arrives with only five players at start time for the first set. The second referee declares a forfeit and begins the clock for the next set. Three minutes are given before declaring a forfeit for set No. 2 if Team B is still incomplete. Another three minutes are given before the match is declared a forfeit if a sixth player does not arrive by the start of set No. 3.
Time-outs could also be called prior to each set before a forfeit is declared Every effort should be made to have the set played before declaring a forfeit. Varsity team arrives with only 5 players, what is the maximum number of minutes after the start time before the match could be declared a forfeit?
The coach of Team B asks for a lineup check. The R2 places Team B in the wrong order. After 4 points, the scorer advises of the improper server. The referee corrects the order, cancels the 4 points, and Team B serves with the proper server. Correct Procedure Incorrect Procedure Situation D RULING: Correct procedure. COMMENT: A referee may correct an error by a member of the officiating crew provided the correction occurs before the opposing team contacts the ball for serve.