Kelly Ratliff Associate Vice Chancellor Student Affairs Leadership Team October 4, 2012 Campus Budget Overview
Projected Revenue: $3.6 Billion State, Unrestricted and Tuition, 19% ($700 million) Sources of Funds: Revenue Projections Source of Funds Budget (in millions) 1State support, tuition, fees 2State unrestricted funds$285 3State designated and restricted$50 4Tuition$396 5Student Fees$162 6Sub-total$893 7Extramural research (all sponsors) 8Grants and contracts, direct$518 9Indirect cost recovery$122 10Sub-total$640 11Other Sources 12Federal (Hatch, Pell Grants)$60 13Sales and Service, Auxiliary$397 14Gifts, endowment, interest, other$143 15Sub-total$600 16UC Davis Medical Center$1,431 17TOTAL$3,564
Total Campus: $3.2 Billion 1Category Amount (in millions)% of total 2 Instruction and Academic Support $ 76624% 3Research$ 50816% 4 Student Services and Financial Aid $ 32110% 5 Operation and Maintenance $ 953% 6Auxiliary$ 963% 7Institutional Support$ 1475% 8Public Service$ 632% 9Medical Center$ 1,21738% 10TOTAL EXPENSES$ 3,213100% Uses of Funds: Operating Expenses
UC Davis, Annual State Revenue vs. Student Tuition and Fees ($ in Millions) Unrestricted State Revenue vs. Mandatory Student Fees
Trigger cut to UC of $250 million. Regents may consider tuition increase. Campus will look for additional efficiencies and cost reductions. UC and campus will look for bridging options State Funds and Tuition Budget Shortfall dollars in millions Base Scenario 1Budget shortfall 2Prior year shortfall not addressed permanently $ (25.4) 3State Budget Act (as enacted July, 2012) $ (5.3) 4Fixed cost increases for state funds and tuition $ (25.1) 5TOTAL SHORTFALL $ (55.8) 6Addressing the shortfall 7Tuition revenue due to fee increase $ -- 8Increase in national and international undergraduates $ 3.5 9Tuition revenue due to enrollment increase $ Academic investments for enrollment increases$ (2.8) 11Efficiencies and Cost Reductions $ Remaining Shortfall $ (48.3) 13Available central reserves $ Remaining reserve balance $ (1.7)
April 2009 and April 2012 FTE Employees by Fund Source 1 Other Faculty includes Adjunct Professors, Lecturers and other non-tenure-track appointments. Other Academic includes Librarians, Academic Administrative Officers and University Extension Educators and non-student research academic appointments. 2 Student Employees includes teaching assistants, graduate student researchers, residents, and administrative and clerical employees. 3 Health Science Funds includes sales and services from the teaching hospital, the medical compensation plan, and funds for clinical drug trials State Funds & TuitionHealth Science Funds 3 External & Other FundsTotal Position Type Tenure-Track Faculty1,1721, ,2771,229 Other Faculty and Other Academic ,3821,7482,5942,871 Total Academic1,8871, ,4361,8183,8714,100 Staff3,6883,2437,0417,4473,5023,75814,23114,448 Student Employees 2 1,3171, ,4351,4063,2513,324 Grand Total6,8926,3598,0888,5316,3736,98221,35321,872 Change from April 09 to April
Notes: 1.Amounts include health insurance ($1,380 undergrad and $2,280 graduate). Amounts for undergraduates exclude course material fees. 2.Fee levels as of September 2012; Fees subject to change Student Tuition and Fees Total Fees and TuitionResident National & International Undergraduate$15,257$38,135 Graduate$15,387$30,489 Selected Professional Degree Programs: Law (JD)$49,564$58,815 Management (MBA)$38,727$50,972 Medicine (MD)$39,652$51,897 Nursing (MS)$23,127$35,372 Veterinary Medicine (DVM)$33,091$45,336
The University’s financial aid program helps to offset the impact of fee increases for undergraduates from lower- income families. The net cost of attendance at UC Davis has actually declined for undergraduates from the lowest-income families since Gift aid (which does not need to be repaid) from all sources more than doubled between and Financial Aid Offsets Fee Hikes for Many Net Cost of Attendance for Undergraduates
Student Indebtedness UC Davis Average Total Debt Levels – Bachelor’s Degree Recipients in Constant 2009 Dollars
Class Size More large classes (>50). Fewer small classes (<20).
Ladder Faculty Teaching Load Despite a decline in the number of ladder faculty FTE, more student credit hours are being taught by ladder faculty.
Budget news (campus, UC system, state) o Data, analysis and reports o Provost’s Dashboard: o Campus Facts: o Campus Budget Office: Advocacy o Annual financial schedules and reports o Budget Information Sources