Warm Up! Write down a list of things that you think all yr olds share? Is there a common culture among this group?
Goal! SWBAT identify and evaluate why subcultures exist. EQ: How do multiple cultures exist together?
Examine the following pictures and brainstorm a list of things that connect the people in the picture.
Now we have discussed how culture impacts the individual… Complete the reading on changes in society.
Two ways to view cultures… Cultural Relativism: Each culture should be judged by their own standards not another cultures views etc. Ethnocentrism: The tendency to view one’s culture as superior. They believe they should spread their culture. How do you think these two views impact people?
Discuss ethnocentrism and cultural relativism: What does it mean and how does this impact the community?
“Our Generation” Aboriginal Australians wlIhttps:// wlI