F IRST A ID Eye/Nose Injury Head Injury Abdominal Injury Chest Injury
E YE I NJURY (I MPALEMENT ) Vision loss may occur Do not remove object Support object with gauze pads Apply gauze to both eyes Keep victim in supine position
H EAD /S KULL I NJURY Bone and/or brain may be injured S&S of brain injury Blood with clear fluid from nose / ears Loss of consciousness Headache Pupils unequal Speed disturbance
H EAD /S KULL I NJURY (T X ) Keep victim in supine position Do NOT move Do NOT stop bleeding Watch ABC’s
N OSE I NJURY Injury causing nosebleeds Not an emergency Victim in sitting position; apply pressure below bone; lean forward (not backward!) Caused by Change in altitude HBP Strenuous activity Heat; Decongestants
A BDOMINAL I NJURY Potential injury to organs (think about internal bleeding) Do NOT reposition organs Organs may protrude from open wound Tx = Supine position; bend legs slightly Lg. moistened gauze to cover organ Cover with plastic wrap (prevent dehydration) Cover with aluminum foil (keep warm)
C HEST I NJURY Medical Emergency 3 Types Sucking chest wound Penetrating chest wound Crushing chest wound
S UCKING C HEST W OUND Deep, open chest wound Air escapes through hole causing lung collapse Tx= Gauze with airtight material Tape 3 sides (4 th side open) Position victim on INJURED side
P ENETRATING C HEST W OUND Results from stabbing Do NOT remove object Tx= Immobilize object with gauze & tape Check ABC’s
C RUSHING C HEST W OUND Caused by high force / heavy object Fractured ribs; damage to lungs Tx = Position victim in semi-sitting position Check ABC’s