Ian Knowles - Ass. Director Performance & Business Support Karen Noble – Performance & Improvement Manager CSF The ‘Golden Thread’ In Hertfordshire
The Golden Thread: What is it? “A continuous flow that clearly links the highest levels of the performance management framework with each of the subsequent levels. It seeks to ensure that at both a strategic and operational level we all have a clear role to play in helping to deliver the Council's over-arching priorities”. Audit Commission
Why do we need it? Focus on community priorities Contribution to shared goals Staff motivation Corporate Area Assessment (CAA)
The Golden Thread Plan Do Review Revise Plan Do Review Revise Plan Do Review Revise Plan Do Review Revise Plan Do Review Revise Plan Do Review Revise Plan Do Review Revise Plan Do Review Revise Plan Do Review Revise Plan Do Review Revise Community strategy CYPP Corporate Service, Team and individual Plan Do Review Revise
Audit Commission’s View ‘Front line staff should be clear how their work in individual organisations contributes to the wider objectives in SCS, LAA as well as the CYPP’
An Example Emotional Wellbeing and Mental Health Hertfordshire SCS: Children and young people’s emotional well being and mental health is well supported Stevenage Community Strategy: Safeguard children and young people and promote their health and well- being LAA2 NI 51: Effectiveness of child and adolescent mental health (CAMHs) services CYPP Priority outcome 4: Children and young people’s emotional well being and mental health is well supported Stevenage District CYPP: Children and young people’s emotional well being and mental health is well supported Supporting the Emotional Wellbeing & MH Strategy
Group Exercise What strategic plans do you have? On a scale of 1-5 to what extent do you think the golden thread exists? How could you evidence it in a CAA assessment? What do you/ we need to do to ensure the thread exists?
Structure and Layout Outcomes We Want To See Story Behind the Baseline (e.g. how are we doing currently) 3 key performance measures that will tell us if we are delivering this outcome Actions, Lead Officer and Timescales for Delivery
½ year progress AHEADON COURSESLIPPAGENO PROGRESSNOT YET ASSESSED Data shows progress ahead of trajectory Data shows progress is slipping against trajectory but we are heading in the right direction Data shows progress is on- course against trajectory although there is a risk of being blown off course Data shows no progress against trajectory Progress not yet assessed; either information is collected annually, information is not yet available, or only a baseline figure is available. Performance Indicators Priority Actions
½ year progress: overall evaluation 1Children and young people are safe from abuse and neglectOn Course 2Children and young people achieve their full potential whilst in and moving on from careOn Course 3Children and young people are confident to respond to bullyingOn Course 4Children and young people’s emotional wellbeing and mental health is well supportedOn Course 5Children and young people have a healthy weightOn Course 6Vulnerable under fives are well prepared for lifeOn Course 7Vulnerable children and young people achieve as well as othersOn Course 8Children and young people with learning difficulties and disabilities are empowered to reach their full potential On Course 9Young people get a wide range of opportunities to learnAhead 10Children and young people make a positive contribution to decisions about servicesOn Course SMP1Develop shared systems and processes to deliver effective servicesOn Course SMP2Ensure services make best use of resources and provide good value for moneyOn Course SMP3Strengthen performance management and evaluation systemsOn Course
Workshops (1) Participation of C&YP in the CYPPRebecca Price/ Ian Knowles (2) Integrated practice – develop shared systems and processes to deliver effective services Alan Dinning/ Gill Gibson (3) Children and young people with learning difficulties and disabilities are empowered to reach their full potential Catherine Pelley/ Justin Donovan
Outcome from the Workshops Understand what has been achieved so far with this priority. Consider additional actions that would help accelerate progress before the year end; and Identify what they can do as champions to ensure contributions to these actions from their respective sectors.