Assessment Board process - overview Extenuating Circumstances Panels & Academic Conduct Panels Subject Assessment Boards Pre-Ratification and Ratification of Results Results published to students Routine monitoring and review
Extenuating Circumstances Panels & Academic Conduct Panels Faculty-based panels EC Panels consider all EC claims and make decisions AC Panels consider all cheating allegations and make decisions
Subject Assessment Board - role Receive decisions from EC Panels and AC Panels Verify students' marks and moderate marks sets Confirm overall module results Confirm module taught in accordance with approved module descriptor
Subject Assessment Board - constitution Membership is usually: Independent Chair: Subject Group Leader (different discipline); Quality co-ordinator; LTA Co- ordinator; other Principal Lecturer One internal examiner for each module Subject external examiner Head of Quality Secretary Ex-officio members
Subject Assessment Board - constitution for collaborative courses Chair must be from SHU Chair could be Faculty Collaborative Co- ordinator Link tutor is an ex-officio member
Pre-ratification stage (process stage) Focus on individual students By senior administrator and senior academic from course team Check individual students' mark/result profiles Identify any exceptional matters/queries to resolve Regulations are rules based: no discretion to change marks agreed by Subject Assessment Board
Ratification of results Formally ratify decisions on students' progression and awards By senior academics (eg Faculty Head of Quality) on behalf of University Academic Board Approve any exceptional progression decisions (due to professional, statutory or regulatory body requirements) Review decisions made on students, if appeals are referred back for review by the relevant decision making body (Subject Assessment Board, Extenuating Circumstances Panel or Academic Conduct Panel
Timing of Subject Assessment Boards and Ratification of Results SHU-based courses SAB SAB SAB Ratification of results Offsite courses SAB Ratification of results
Operation of Assessment Boards Handbook Operation of Assessment Boards Operation of Assessment Boards and Ratification of Results External Examiner Absence Proforma Subject Assessment Board AgendaSubject Assessment Board Agenda [sample] Subject Assessment Board MinutesSubject Assessment Board Minutes [sample] Process Stage Proforma and Proforma Grid Ratification Stage Proforma