CULTURE Culture is grouped by beliefs, religion, race, ethnics, or experiences. Many people can be a part of more than one culture. Culture helps people understand the world by their views, hopes, and values. Understanding different cultures is a way of getting an insight of how the world works, good or bad. Culture is a way of life, that is serious to people and how they live everyday. Knowing the elements in different cultures like their history, art, language, food, etc.
UNDERSTANDING CULTURE Understanding different cultures is very important. Respecting how different cultures work can solve and diminish problems that affect people. Knowing how different cultures work is really amazing. You get to see how amazing some of the experiences that people have.
SOME DIFFERENT CULTURES Culture can be diversified by race… Caucasian, Asian, African American, Latino, etc. By religion… Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, etc. Or by their ethnics… American, Japanese, African, Indian, Greek, etc.
CULTURE Culture will always be here and it will never disappear because it is a way the we live our lives. Different cultures are amazing to know.
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