Deadlock with powerpoint notes Because deadlock is a difficult concept that often looks easy. I have provided yet MORE notes on deadlock extracted from previous notes of Dr. Baker and myself. They are provided as a good reivew to assure you understand deadlock.
Deadlock Topics Definition: Deadlock Necessary conditions for deadlock Strategies for dealing with deadlock Strategies for detecting deadlock Deadlock in different models of resource allocation
Types of Resources Reusable Consumable
Reusable Resources Fixed number of units Neither created nor destroyed Used by one process at a time and not depleted by that use Processes obtain resources that they later release for reuse by other processes several different possible modes of access: –exclusive –read/write (can be modeled by multi-unit) –shared (not treated by text) operations: request, grant/acquire, release Deadlock occurs if each process holds one resource and requests the other
Consumable Resources Created (produced) by a process Destroyed (consumed) by a process Operations: request/receive (implies consume), produce/send Deadlock may occur if the receive operation can block Potential deadlock situations are more difficult to detect, and reproduce, by testing
Deadlock Example with Reusable Resources Process P1: request(R1);...request(R2);...release(R2);...release(R1); R1 critical section R2 critical section Process P2: request(R2);...request(R1);...release(R1);...release(R2); R1 critical section R2 critical section
Resource Allocation Graph of a Deadlocked System
Deadlock Trajectory Diagram
Example of Deadlock with Consumable Resources P1P2 ….. receivefrom(P2, &M2);receivefrom(P1, &M1); ……….. sendto(P2, M1); sendto(P1, M2); Deadlock occurs if the receive from operation is blocking.
Natural Questions about Deadlock What are the fundamental causes of deadlock? How can we deal with deadlock? Now that we have looked at examples of some specific cases of deadlock, it is time to look at deadlock from a general point of view.
The 4 Necessary Conditions for Deadlock Exclusive access (mutual exclusion) –only one process may use a resource at a time Wait while holding (hold-and-wait) –A process can continue to hold a resource while requesting another No preemption –A process cannot be forced to give up resources before it chooses to give them up Circular wait –There is a cycle of hold-and-wait relationships
The 3 Approches/Strategies for Dealing with Deadlock Prevention - apply design rules to insure it can never occur Avoidance - dynamically steer around deadlocks Detection - hope deadlocks will not occur, but recover when one does
Deadlock Prevention Approaches All of the four conditions are necessary for deadlock to occur. Hence, by preventing any one of them we prevent deadlock. Exclusive access (mutual exclusion) –redesign to eliminate the need for mutual exclusion (Can you think of an example?) Wait while holding (hold-and-wait) –If a process holding resources is denied a further request, the process must release all its resources and rerequest them –Require that a process request all of its required resources at one time No preemption –If a process requests a resource that is currently held by another process, the OS preempts the second process and requires it to release its resources Circular wait Define a linear ordering of resources and require allocations be requested only in this order
Cycle Implies Different Allocation Orders
Ordered Allocation
Trajectory Diagram for Ordered Allocation
Release Before Request
Request All at Once
Deadlock Avoidance A decision is made dynamically whether the current resource allocation request will, if granted, potentially lead to a deadlock Requires knowledge of worst-case future process requests Approaches: –Postpone starting a process if its demands might lead to deadlock, i.e. while resources it may need are held by others –Postpone granting an incremental resource request to a process if granting the allocation might lead to deadlock
Requirements for Deadlock Avoidance Maximum resource requirement must be stated in advance Processes under consideration must be independent; no synchronization requirements There must be a fixed number of resources to allocate No process may exit while holding resources
System with Potential for Deadlock Process P1: request(R1);...request(R2);...release(R2);...release(R1); R1 critical section R2 critical section Process P2: request(R2);...request(R1);...release(R1);...release(R2); R1 critical section R2 critical section
Trajectory to Unsafe State
Resource Allocation State Transition Diagram
How Deadlock Is Avoided
How do we know a state is safe? Start in the given state Simulate running each process to completion, by allocating its maximum resource requirements, and then releasing all resources If all processes can complete, the state is safe
Representing State as Set of Tables Claim matrix [Process][Resource]: Integer maximum requirement of each resource type for each process Allocation matrix [Process][Resource]: Integer current allocation of each resource type for each process Resource vector [Resource]: Integer total number in system of each resource type Allocation vector [Resource]: Integer number currently available of each resource type
Determination of a Safe State: initial state
Determination of a Safe State: P2 runs to completion
Determination of a Safe State: P1 runs to completion
Determination of a Safe State: P3 runs to completion
An Unsafe State: initial state
An Unsafe State: P1 requests one unit each of R1 and R3
How to Detect Deadlock? Similar to detecting an unsafe state Simulate execution of unblocked processes, assuming they will complete and release all resources
Deadlock Detection with Tables
Deadlock Detection with Tables (Step 2)
When Deadlock is Detected Abort all deadlocked processes Back up each deadlocked process to some previously defined checkpoint, and restart it from the checkpoint –original deadlock may reoccur Kill deadlocked processes until deadlock no longer exists Preempt resources until deadlock no longer exists
Choose which Process to Abort Least amount of processor time consumed so far Least number of lines of output produced so far Most estimated time remaining Least total resources allocated so far Lowest priority
Graph Models of System Resource Allocation States Wait-for graphs (WFG) Single-unit resource allocation graphs Multi-unit resource allocation graphs General resource allocation graphs (GRG)
Wait-For Graphs (WFG) Nodes correspond to processes (only).
Single-Unit Resource Allocation Graphs
Multiunit Resource Allocation Graphs
Dining Philosophers
Example Dining Philosophers Problem
What is the Dining Philosophers Problem?
Significance of this Problem o Potential for deadlock and starvation o Academic benchmark for evaluation and comparison of synchronization and mutual exclusion mechanisms o An example for demonstrating various process and thread synchronization mechanisms o A good solution has no deadlock or starvation
Possibility of Deadlock
Possibility of Starvation
Review of Monitor Concept Encapsulated data objects and procedures (a.k.a. methods or functions) Per-monitor lock enforces mutual exclusion Only one thread may be executing in the monitor at a time Thread inside the monitor may reliquish the monitor lock to wait for a condition POSIX mutex and CVs designed to implement monitors
Dining Philosophers Solution as Monitor int update_state (int i) { if (state[i] == HUNGRY && state[LEFT] != EATING && state[RIGHT] != EATING) { state[i] = EATING; pthread_cond_signal (&CV[i]); } return 0; }
Dining Philosophers Solution as Monitor voidchopsticks_take (int i) { pthread_mutex_lock (&M); state[i] = HUNGRY update_state(i); while (state[i] == HUNGRY) pthread_cond_wait (&CV[i],&M); pthread_mutex_unlock (&M); } voidchopsticks_put (int i) { pthread_mutex_lock (&M); state[i] = THINKING; update_state (LEFT); update_state (RIGHT); pthread_mutex_unlock (&M); }
The Complete Code Some of the code examples for dining philosophers include: –chopsticks.h, the monitor interfacechopsticks.h, –chopsticks0.c, the monitor implementationchopsticks0.c, –philosophers_t.c, the main programphilosophers_t.c, The full code for this solution is in the indicated files.
Dining Philosopher Solution with Binary Semaphores, void chopsticks_take (int i) { if (i == (NTHREADS - 1)) { lock (0); lock (NTHREADS - 1); } else { lock (i); lock ((i + 1) % NTHREADS); } void chopsticks_ put (int i) { unlock (i); unlock ((i + 1) % NTHREADS); }
Unix Mutual Exclusion Mechanisms lockfiles (e.g., see open(...O_CREAT | O_EXCL...)) System V semaphores (e.g., see sema_wait) POSIX semaphores (e.g., see sem_wait)POSIX semaphores File record locking (e.g., see flock(), lockf, and fcntl(...F_SETFL...)) POSIX mutexes, with attribute PTHREAD_PROCESS_SHARED
Lockfile Implementation of Binary Semaphore void lock (int i) { int fildes; while ( (fildes = open (lockfilename[i], O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_EXCL, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR))==-1 ) { if (errno != EEXIST) chopsticks_emergency_stop(); CHECK (usleep (100)); } close (fildes); } void unlock (int i) { CHECK (unlink (lockfilename[i]) == -1); }
Weaknesses of this Solution How do we choose the length of time to sleep? What happens if it is too long? What happens if it is too short? What happens if the process dies while holding a lock? –Keep all maskable signals masked while holding a lockfile (see explanation of signals later) –Time out when waiting for a lockfile, and then steal the lock
How good is this solution? Is this solution subject to deadlock? If not, why not? Is this solution subject to starvation? Why or why not? Which of the defects of this solution, if any, is due to the lockfile implementation, versus the way the binary semaphores are used in the solution?
Dining Philosopher Lockfile Solution Complete Code The code is included below –chopsticks.h defines the interfacechopsticks.h –chopsticks1.c is the implementationchopsticks1.c –philosophers.c is a test driver main programphilosophers.c
Variant Solution, using sigsuspend() For another solution –chopsticks2.c is the alternate implementationchopsticks2.c
Counting Semaphores
Semaphores, versus Mutexes & CVs The POSIX thread synchronization objects, mutexes and condition variables, are a more recent invention than some other synchronization mechanisms. Using them, one can solve any problem that can be solved using other mechanisms. Here, we show how they can be used to implement one of the earliest and best known types of synchronization objects: semaphores.
Counting Semaphore (Stallings' version) A type of synchronization object Atomically counts available resources, and waits for resources to become available Holds an integer value, called the count< which is initially non-negative Has an associated queue of waiting procesess Operations: –decrement, also known as P, down, and wait –s.count--;if (s.count < 0) { enqueue and block this process } –increment, also known as V, up, post, and signal –s.count++;if (s.count <= 0) {dequeue and unblock one process }
Implementation of Linux/POSIX Semaphore as Monitor, using Mutex & CV typdef struct counting_semaphore { pthread_mutex_t M; pthread_cond_t CV; int value; } sem_ t;void semaphore_wait () { pthread_mutex_lock (&S.M); while (S.value == 0) pthread_cond_wait (&S.CV, &S.M); S.value--; pthread_mutex_unlock (&S.M); void semaphore_signal () { pthread_mutex_lock (&S.M); S.value++ ; if (S.value == 1) pthread_cond_signal (&S.CV); pthread_mutex_unlock (&S.M); }