Missouri State Reporting Understanding the Challenges and Processes Presented to Technology Action Team
Evolution of MOSIS From Summary Reporting to Reporting Data by Individual Student and Teacher
Evolution of MOSIS 0 The Missouri Student Information System (MOSIS) is a record system that stores academic data for all public schools in the state. 0 The system was introduced in three phases. 0 Phase I- Unique student identification numbers were assigned to all students attending public schools in Missouri. 0 Phase II - demographic data for each student. This information was used to pre-code state assessment forms used for the 2006 MAP test. 0 Phase III – September all public schools transitioned from reporting aggregate student data to reporting individual student data (“MOSIS Project Overview”, 2011). Between September of 2006 and June of 2008, this phase was a pilot. Schools were not required to submit individual data until June 2008.MOSIS Project Overview
Collection Cycles 6 Collection Cycles a year August, October, December, February, April, and June
August CORE DATA (DUE Aug. 15)MOSIS (Due Aug. 15) School Directory Estimated ADA Planned school calendar data. Summer school enrollment and attendance data *Data is reported in the Student Enrollment and Attendance file.
October CORE DATA (DUE Oct. 15)MOSIS (Due Oct. 15) Educator vacancies Gifted education LEP Census data Educators, courses and assignments Enrollment September membership *Data is reported in the Student Core, Educator Core, Educator School, Course Assignment, and Student Assignment files.
December CORE DATA (DUE Dec. 15)MOSIS (Due Dec. 15) Federal special education reports *Data is reported in the Student Core file.
February CORE DATA (DUE Feb. 15)MOSIS (Due Feb. 15) January membership Follow-up data on graduates Count of students home schooled Count of students eligible for free or reduced lunch Ending fund balances as of December, 31 January membership Follow-up data on graduates Counts of students eligible for free or reduced lunch *Data is reported in the Student Core and Student Graduate Follow- Up files.
April CORE DATA (DUE April 15)MOSIS (Due April 30) Census of Technology Student demographic data that will be linked to the student’s state assessment records *Data is reported in the Student Core file.
June CORE DATA (DUE June 30)MOSIS (Due June 30) End-of-year data End-of-year discipline incidents special education exiter secondary headcount Attendance resident II attendance resident II grade point average physical fitness assessment summer school courses and enrollment *Data is reported in the Student Core, Student Enrollment and Attendance, Student Discipline Incident, Summer Course Assignment, Summer Student Assignment, and Student Course Completion files.
Keeping the Data Accurate Challenges and Processes to Assist
Data Challenges 0 Number of data entry points 0 28 registrars 0 10 schedulers 0 MS and HS counselors 0 Curriculum Coordinators (Communication Arts, Gifted, Foreign Language, CTE) 0 10 Attendance Secretaries 0 Discipline secretaries and administrators 0 Data used for state reporting and internal uses (stored differently for each reason) 0 Reporting rules change year-to-year 0 SIS vendor keeping up with yearly changes
Data Challenges (cont.) 0 Time to capture data 0 Tools used to capture data 0 Multiple systems to capture state reporting data 0 8 th Grade Technology Literacy 0 Parkway Fit for physical education reporting in 5 th and 9 th grade 0 Graduate follow-up 0 Timing 0 Summer School 0 Updating files (can we or not?) 0 Public perception vs. reality 0 Soft Deadlines (auditors looking for data that hasn’t been collected/submitted )
Technologies Role in the State Reporting Process The Technology department: 0 creates tools to capture data 0 provides training and documentation on how to use Infinite Campus and other data collection systems 0 provides weekly Infinite Campus audits to various stakeholders 0 reminds Parkway staff when their data is due 0 merges data from separate systems into a single MOSIS file 0 writes scripts to “scrub” data for submission 0 extracts, submits, and if necessary, coordinates the correction of errors in the data (based on MOSIS business rules)
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