Balloon Rockets Part 6
Daily Objective Air can be compressed. The pressure from compressed air can move things.
Vocabulary Inflate - To pump air into a container to make it bigger Rocket - A vehicle used to launch things into space Propel - To push forward Distance - How far it is between two points Move - To change place or direction; to put in motion Travel - To move a distance
Introduction Today we are going to use balloons to make balloon rockets. How can you make this bigger? What happens to a balloon when you blow it up and let it go before you tie it? Why does that happen? What is a rocket?
Observations and Discussions Balloon Rocket Set-Up 1.Slide the large zip bag to one end of the flight line, making sure that the opening is close to the chair. 2.Pump up your balloon about half way. 3.Place the balloon in the zip bag. 4.Continue pumping the balloon up inside the bag until it cannot get any bigger. 5.Release the balloon and watch what happens!
Observation and Discussion Balloon Rocket Release As balloons are being launched… How does air make the balloon rocket move down the line? How did you get the balloon rocket to travel faster?
Discussion I am going to pump air into this zip bag and release it in the balloon rocket setup. Do you think the zip bag will work the same way as the balloon? Why or why not? Ready, Set, Go! Why didn’t the zip bag balloon rocket work? How are zip bags and balloons alike? How are they different? You can pump more air into the balloon because it is stretchy. The air then becomes compressed in the balloon. This creates pressure to propel the balloon forward.
Vocabulary Review Inflate - To pump air into a container to make it bigger Rocket - A vehicle used to launch things into space Propel - To push forward Distance - How far it is between two points Move - To change place or direction; to put in motion Travel - To move a distance
What We Learned Air inside a balloon is _______________ by the rubber skin of the balloon. __________ from the compressed air moves the balloon rocket compressed Pressure