1Managed by UT-Battelle for the U.S. Department of Energy Presentation_name An Update on Metals Recycling from DOE Facilities Donald C. Gregory, PhD, CHP Oak Ridge National Laboratory
2Managed by UT-Battelle for the U.S. Department of Energy Presentation_name Moratorium and Suspension January Moratorium placed on recycle of Nickel from Oak Ridge by BNFL July 2000 – Metals Recycling Suspended – “I am suspending the unrestricted release for recycling of scrap metals from radiation areas within DOE facilities.” – “…suspension will remain in effect until improvements in DOE release criteria and information management have been developed and implemented.” January 2001 – “Additional deliberation” is needed – NOI for EIS within 60 days
3Managed by UT-Battelle for the U.S. Department of Energy Presentation_name Interim Guidance – July 2000 “radiation areas” is clarified to “radiological areas” “Recycle” means that metal will be melted and new products made from it – Reuse of metal products is not restricted – DOE operations must make a good faith effort to prevent release for recycle – Light bulbs, batteries, and concrete can be recycled (the metal is protected by non-metallic material)
4Managed by UT-Battelle for the U.S. Department of Energy Presentation_name Revision of , Radiation Protection of the Public and Environment Revisions suggested by a conference of experts/stakeholders in February 2008 Revised draft will not mention the moratorium/suspension – Not appropriate for an Office to withdraw a Secretarial directive Draft revision will be circulated for comment – Simultaneous lifting of the suspension with the issuance of the revised Order makes sense
5Managed by UT-Battelle for the U.S. Department of Energy Presentation_name Alternative Approaches Re-Use – Berkeley is sending shielding blocks to Nevada Test Site for use as security barriers and engineered covers Common Sense Agreements with DOE – BNL is negotiating with DOE to develop a clearance process for some low-risk materials Retroactive Deposting – Pantex retroactively defined radiological areas to restrict recycle only of materials that have been in qualifying areas – Bevatron D&D may follow the same plan – “…posting does not define the area – actual conditions define the area…” LLNL released about 50% of a decommissioned accelerator with NNSA/HSS help
6Managed by UT-Battelle for the U.S. Department of Energy Presentation_name NNSA-led Interoffice Solution Rich Meehan (Y-12) for NNSA – Issue has the attention of the Secretary – Science, EM, NE were briefed last Friday – “consistent standard of performance” is the goal – Find the least common denominator, local sites specialize from there – Re-use & adaptation are alternative disposal paths Evaluate and document improvement in all four areas called out in the Suspension Move on from the Moratorium (NRC declined to issue Standard as required in the memo)