Imagery for the Nation Update and Next Steps FGDC Coordination Group Vicki Lukas U.S. Geological Survey October 13, 2009.


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Presentation transcript:

Imagery for the Nation Update and Next Steps FGDC Coordination Group Vicki Lukas U.S. Geological Survey October 13, 2009

IFTN Phase 1 Project Goals Develop an initial, foundational plan for IFTN Comprehensively document Federal imagery requirements and expenditures Begin to institutionalize imagery funding – move from the “tin cup” approach of project-based funding to reliable funding at the executive level Model a process for Federal enterprise geospatial data acquisition efforts Complete Phase 1 by end of calendar year 2008 (but needed to adjust to ExCom guidance and transition)

Accomplishments A survey of Federal imagery requirements was conducted in fall, 2008 Federal contract vehicles to acquire imagery products and services were surveyed to provide a baseline for Federal agencies and their partners A survey of airborne and satellite industries showed that two times or more the capacity exists to fully implement IFTN An MOU was signed between USDA and DOI to institutionalize funding for the 1-meter component On 12/19 a draft executive summary was presented to the ExCom; ExCom provided guidance to further refine the 1-foot strategy and define a governance process On 8/20 a record of decision was approved to document the basic agreements to complete the IFTN plan

Record of Decision Purpose is to document and share decisions on key strategies/policy issues Forms basis for completion of IFTN Phase 1 report for review Approved by Executive Committee on August 20 Available on

Technical Design: 2 Components High-resolution component Leaf-on imagery 1 meter resolution and buy-up options for half meter National coverage: conterminous U.S. on an annual cycle with Alaska and Hawaii on 3-5 year cycles Full funding from the Federal government Buy-up options to be funded by the requesting party Management by FSA

Technical Design: 2 Components Very-high resolution component Leaf-off imagery 1 foot and greater resolution Federal funding provided for each state every three years Funding amount determined by pro-rated square mileage and approximately equal to 50% of the cost to image the state Intergovernmental statewide councils determine the area of coverage with consensus of FGDC governing bodies Buy-up options to be funded by the requesting party Management by USGS

Technical Design Future changes in resolution and/or other characteristics to take advantage of new technologies and meet evolving needs will be made through the IFTN governance process

Priority Setting The IFTN governance structure, under the FGDC will be used to oversee priority-setting in the long-term The Technical Plan Work Group is developing a preliminary priority-based framework for the IFTN to be coordinated across the Federal, state and local communities Implementation will establish performance metrics to be reviewed on a regular basis IFTN priority framework will be reviewed regularly

IFTN Governance The Executive Committee will provide policy-level guidance, develop funding strategies, monitor implementation, and provide for stakeholder input via the National Geospatial Advisory Committee (NGAC) The National Digital Orthophoto Program (NDOP) will be re-chartered as an FGDC subcommittee to provide operational-level coordination A virtual, interagency Program Management Office (PMO) will be staffed by key agencies to provide project and performance management, coordination, and communication support to NDOP and the ExCom The Farm Services Agency (FSA) as administrator of NAIP, will manage and provide contracting for the high-resolution, leaf-on component of IFTN The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) will manage and provide contracting for the very high-resolution, leaf-off component of the IFTN; USGS will also facilitate partnerships through the USGS Geospatial Liaison network Statewide geospatial councils, or designated state agencies, will coordinate stakeholder communities to develop business plans and identify and fund buy-ups

Funding Strategy A “Managing Partner” for IFTN will be identified for FY2010 The PMO will be jointly funded in FY2010; the managing partner will fund a lead position; the ExCom will identify additional staff resources The PMO will develop agreements for long-term funding commitments between agencies FGDC agencies will align existing image acquisition expenditures with IFTN Plan objectives as appropriate The ExCom will coordinate the development of a FY2011 IFTN budget initiative to include two coordinated requests from USDA and DOI FY2011 appropriation language will be drafted to create specific IFTN line items in USDA and DOI budgets USDA and DOI will establish IFTN working capital funds to accommodate the potential need to carry-forward funds and re- capitalize infrastructure

Contracting Strategy Through an industry survey and RFI to the private sector, conclude that the industry has the capacity to support the size and scope of IFTN Based analysis of existing Federal contracting, adequate expertise to lead and manage imagery acquisition for a program of the size and scope of IFTN is available All IFTN large business prime contractors should be encouraged to use small businesses and will be required to submit small business subcontracting plans when applicable The decision rests with the Federal Contracting Officers to determine the appropriate approach for each IFTN contract; both Best Value and Quality- Based Selection (QBS) procurement procedures may be used Sealed bidding (low bid) should not be used; evaluation criteria based on technical merit should be the primary basis for source selection for IFTN Involvement of a technical expert is critical in the development of specifications and task orders An integrated contract approach should be considered, to maximize airborne and satellite image acquisitions and processing capacities

Data Hosting and Archiving To be based on existing infrastructure with the very-high resolution component hosted by USGS EROS and the high resolution component hosted by USDA Aerial Photography Field Office High-level requirements include public access at no charge and 24/7 availability A common portal to all data regardless of data location will be provided The data portal will be discoverable within Geospatial One Stop and Copies of IFTN datasets will be made available to NARA for long- term archiving

Program Innovations The following innovations will be explored after the Phase 1 plan is completed: An integrated contracting approach or joint program office A contracting approach that will engage private industry, both airborne and satellite firms, to creatively address the requirements of IFTN A process to: 1) Gather specific, authoritative Federal imagery requirements and expenditures 2) Assess the requirements in terms of a cyclical program 3) Prioritize the requirements relative to available funding levels

Next Steps Communications to stakeholders: FGDC Steering Committee, Coordination Group, NGAC, COGO and others Technical Plan Work Group developing an initial prioritization framework Further develop funding strategy and approach for full and incremental funding scenarios Revise the draft executive summary for review – goal is early next fiscal year (Oct.)

Endorsements of IFTN National Geospatial Advisory Committee – endorsed IFTN with caveats, also endorsed the Record of Decision Association of American Geographers (AAG) Association of State Wetland Managers (ASWM) Association of American State Geographers (AASG) Mid-America GIS Consortium National Association of Counties (NACo) National Emergency Numbers Association (NENA) National States Geographic Information Council (NSGIC) University Consortium for Geographic Information Science (UCGIS) Urban/Regional Information Systems Association (URISA) Western Governors Association (WGA)